2024-01-01 The Tim Ferriss Show - #666 — in Case You Missed It — March 2023 Recap of The Tim Ferriss Show

@created:: 2024-01-24
@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: #666 — in Case You Missed It — March 2023 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
@author:: The Tim Ferriss Show

2024-01-01 The Tim Ferriss Show - #666 — in Case You Missed It — March 2023 Recap of The Tim Ferriss Show

Book cover of "#666 —  in Case You Missed It —  March 2023 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show""




(highlight:: Andrew Hubermans Five Categories of Health and Wellbeing
Sleep, nutrients, movement, light, and social connection are the five key categories that set the foundation for optimal function of the nervous system.
Quality sleep is crucial for optimal function, while nutrients, including macro and micronutrients from unprocessed sources, are essential. Regular movement, encompassing both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training, is important for people of all ages.
Exposure to natural light during the day and minimizing artificial light at night is crucial, as is maintaining social connections and relationships for overall wellbeing.
Speaker 2
But sleep is just one of about, I would say five things that really set the buoyancy or the foundation upon which our nervous system is able to accomplish these transitions that I'm talking About at all. And those five things are sleep in the absence of quality sleep over two or three days, you're just going to fall to pieces. In the presence of quality, sufficient sleep over two or three days, you're going to function at an amazing level. There's a gain of function and a loss of function there. It's not just if you sleep poorly, you function less well. You sleep better, you function much better. So sleep, I would say, is at the top of the list. Nutrients, you know, and there you can think macro nutrients. And so your carnivores are only eating meat and your vegans are only eating plants and your omnivores, which is, I think, probably 90% of the world is eating a combination of those. But, you know, quality nutrients, I think when I look at all of the nutrition, literature and arguments out there, it seems that everyone can agree on one thing, which is that probably 80% or more of our nutrition should come from unprocessed or minimally processed sources. Minimally processed would require some cooking, but could survive on the shelf as opposed to packaged foods or highly palatable foods. So you got sleep, nutrients, but then we should also put in micro nutrients. And this is where maybe we'll get into a discussion about supplementation. I think that supplementation or supplements is a bit of a misnomer because it implies vitamin supplements. And people say, well, can't you get all that from food or that whey protein? Isn't that just food? Wouldn't you be better off with a chicken breast? Okay, well, then when you talk about convenience and the, you know, absorption. Okay. But then there's this huge category of things, you know, ranging from the kind of esoteric, lean-aimed things like ashwagandha and shilajee and Tongali and fedogia, grass, right? I mean, it sounds exactly all the herbal stuff, right? You're not going to get that from food. So should we call them supplements at all? So let's just say the second thing is nutrients and that includes macronutrients and that includes micronutrients as well. So those two things. Then the third would be movement. And this has also been an enormous transition in the last, I think, just five years, which is not just for people interested in bodybuilding or powerlifting or for competitive athletes. But now it seems everybody, including the elderly, understand that you need a combination of cardiovascular exercise and you need resistance training, whether or not it's with body Weight or weights or machines, etc. That you need both. I mean, not a week goes by without seeing an article in one of the major publications out there, standard media, what's called traditional media, will be nice to them. Traditional media that highlights some study showing that, you know, resistance training in elderly people can offset Alzheimer's or, as our friend Peter Atia has pointed out so Many times that many of the end-of-life creating injuries are due to people, older people stepping down, the eccentric movements. Okay, so you need movement. That's the third category. Fourth, I will argue, and I like to think that maybe I've helped this movement, if you want to call it that, is light. In particular sunlight in the early part and throughout the middle of the day and trying to minimize the amount of artificial light that you're exposed to in the evening and late night Hours, most of the time, because you have to live life. Just fundamental. I think the last category that's important is social connection, aka relationships. Let's just call it relationships because that can include relationship to self. So those things set up the core foundation. And I think one way to think about them is just as a list. Another is to think about them in terms of a schedule basis. And that's how I've really doubled down is I realize that every 24 hours I need to invest something into each one of those things.)
- Time 0:05:34
- snipddont-post, health, movement, nutrition, sleep, social_connection,