9 Systems to Build a Life of Abundance - Sahil Bloom

@created:: 2024-01-24
@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: 9 Systems to Build a Life of Abundance - Sahil Bloom
@author:: Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

2024-01-01 Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal - 9 Systems to Build a Life of Abundance - Sahil Bloom

Book cover of "9 Systems to Build a Life of Abundance - Sahil Bloom"




(highlight:: The Yes, Damn Effect
Key takeaways:
• The yes, damn effect refers to saying yes to things and regretting it later when there is not enough time to fulfill the commitment.
• Saying yes to something under the assumption of having more time in the future is a common mistake.
• Avoid the yes, damn effect by saying no to commitments that require more time in the future unless there is a structural change in your life.
Speaker 1
Effect is this idea that we say yes to things and then later say, damn, why did I say yes to this? And it's so true with most people. Like you say yes to something with the assumption that you're going to have more time a month from now. So you say like, Oh, yeah, I'll do that call next month or yeah, I'll do that speaking engagement next month, because I'm going to have much more time after the book. I'm going to have much more time after X, Y, or Z finishes. I'm going to have much more time after the semester ends or whatever it is. And then you get there and you're like, damn, why did I say yes to that? So the rule with the yes, damn effect is any time you say yes to something under the assumption that you're going to have more time for that thing in the future, you should just say no instead, Because you're never going to have more time in the future unless there's something actually structurally changing in your life where you're going to like make a whole bunch more time Or you're quitting your job and you like there's something massive structurally changing. You're not going to have more time in the future, especially not as an ambitious person, you're just going to take on some new thing that is going to fill that time.)
- Time 0:44:54
- snipddont-post, commitments, individual_capacity, opportunities, regret, time_management,


Being a Guide Instead of a Guru (i.e. In Writing
You don't have to be a guru, you can be a guide or a stumbling traveler.
Sharing strategies and tools to help others is valuable.
Speaker 2
I, you know, came across an interesting way of thinking about this through my writing coach a couple of years ago, which was you don't need to be a guru, you can be a guide instead, like Guide versus guru. And you sometimes don't even need to be a guide. You can be a fellow traveler along the same path.
Speaker 1
Yeah, stumbling traveler. Yeah.
Speaker 2
And I think about that a lot. This is why still to this day, a lot of our videos are titled like how I do X, like I was working on one right now about how I manage my time, where I was thinking, yeah, this video, I'm just Going to share three strategies, plus like a Google sheet template that I've been getting a lot of value out in the last six months to help me take better care of my time.)
- Time 1:16:29
- snipddont-post, content_creation, teaching, writing,