2023-01-24 The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish - #139 Laurie Santos — the Pursuit of Happiness

@created:: 2024-01-24
@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: #139 Laurie Santos — the Pursuit of Happiness
@author:: The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

2023-01-24 The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish - #139 Laurie Santos — the Pursuit of Happiness

Book cover of "#139 Laurie Santos —  the Pursuit of Happiness"




(highlight:: The Happiness Arrival Fallacy
Key takeaways:
• The arrival fallacy is a common cognitive bias that leads people to overestimate the happiness they will feel after achieving a particular goal or event.
• This bias is often caused by the unrealistic expectations that come with the arrival of a new, positive event.
Speaker 2
I get a promotion, when I get a relationship, when I get a new car, when I get a new house, I'll be happy then. And then why is it that we never seem to be happy when that happens? Yeah, well, this is a bias that researchers call the arrival fallacy. It's really like the happily ever after fallacy. Like, when this happens, I'll be happy.
Speaker 1
And, you know, it's not like we're mis-predicting. You know, you get a new house and, like, yeah, that feels good, but it doesn't feel as good as you're going to think. And)
- Time 0:06:22