R/Boardgames - What Quick Boardless/Cardless Games Do You Play While Waiting for the Food to Arrive?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Boardgames - What Quick Boardless/Cardless Games Do You Play While Waiting for the Food to Arrive?
@author:: reddit.com

2023-03-17 reddit.com - RBoardgames - What Quick BoardlessCardless Games Do You Play While Waiting for the Food to Arrive

Book cover of "R/Boardgames - What Quick Boardless/Cardless Games Do You Play While Waiting for the Food to Arrive?"




I play a word game called contact. One person thinks of a mystery word and everyone else tries to guess it. Person C gives everyone the first letter of the word, for instance "T". Person A thinks of a word that begins with T and give a clue like "something tall and green." Person B thinks he know what person A is thinking and says contact. At this point, the poser of the question gets a chance to guess the word. If they are wrong, person A and B countdown from 5 and say their word together "tree." If they match, the poser of the question has to give the next letter in the mystery word (H). If they don't match, then they start with a new clue. Now we repeat the process except all words must begin with 'th.' The game continues this way until someone guesses the mystery word.
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