Alice Albrecht on Re — Collect

@created:: 2024-01-24
@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Alice Albrecht on Re — Collect
@author:: The Informed Life

2023-09-18 The Informed Life - Alice Albrecht on Re — Collect

Book cover of "Alice Albrecht on Re — Collect"




(highlight:: The 3 Key Drivers Behind the Rise of Tools for Thought
Tools like Rekalact are emerging due to three main factors.
Firstly, people are overwhelmed by the abundance of information available and are seeking tools to help them manage the information overload. Secondly, with the shift towards automation and the increasing importance of creativity in work, there is a growing need for tools that provide easy access to ideas.
Lastly, advancements in machine learning, such as transformer models, have opened up new possibilities for utilizing text information.
These three factors coming together offer the potential for better access and utilization of technology.
Speaker 2
But why are tools like Rekalact appearing now?
Speaker 1
Yeah, I think it's really threefold. So I think we've seen sort of a change in the way people are using technology. I'd say over the past 10 years or so. I think now more than any other point in time, people have access to more information than they ever have. So they're actually quite overwhelmed by that. So I think part of the reason is for this is people are seeking out as customers and as creators of these products, tools to help them deal with that kind of information overload that they're Coming across. So I think that's one piece. You've mentioned, I think something about only seeing things that are recent, but things that are farther back, it's harder to find. The way some of the algorithms on other products have been developed, we're really only getting sort of information on Twitter or even sub-stack, any kind of publication that's very New. So it came out a week ago, maybe. And as a matter of fact, it really dies off. And I think people need that information or have or struggling in terms of ways to reaccess it. So that's one, lots and lots of information and promotion overload is really kind of hitting a breaking point, I think, for a lot of people. The second piece I think is shipped societally in terms of the way we're working. So I spent a lot of time working in, like I said, about 10 years in tech, data and machine learning. And really until recently, I think a lot of the work in machine learning was centered around how do we learn to automate human processes? How do we learn to automate things that in a big company, people don't need to do, right? This is people sometimes call this another industrial revolution. So as we're seeing that and people's work is changing, that work is becoming much more important and our creativity is becoming much more important. So my ability to know things and to access that information and to bring them up in the right context at the right time in a business is really critical. So I think again, from the sort of changing in the way we work, people really, really need tools that will give them easy access to their ideas. And the third piece there is really on the machine learning front. Just a few years ago, we saw with transformer models and these pre-trained models that are readily available, this huge shift in terms of what was possible. And so if folks listening have seen, I guess, demos of like GPT-3 that generate text or even the stable diffusion demos that are sort of the this week, everyone's very excited about where They generate images, we're starting to see the fruits of storing and producing all of this text electronically for again over a decade now. And the models are now able to utilize that in a different way or as practitioners were able to do really interesting things with text information. So I really feel like at this moment, for all three of those things are coming together and I hope that that enables us to have better access and be able to better use some of this technology. So I'm really excited about that and the changes.)
- Time 0:19:26