Seth Godin- The Practice

@created:: 2024-01-24
@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Seth Godin- The Practice
@author:: From The Green Notebook

2023-03-29 From The Green Notebook - Seth Godin- The Practice

Book cover of "Seth Godin- The Practice"




(highlight:: Cultivating Discipline - "People like us do things like this"
Key takeaways:
• All motivation is selfmotivation, and that what happens when we have a coach or go through basic training is someone is trying to take external standards and apply them to us so that we will become internal standards. This is a key part of what the practice is about.
Speaker 2
It's one of those things that once you hear it once, you can't shake it out of your head. I say to myself in my head, people like us do things like this and I'll push it one more rep. I'll make sure I get up early to do my reading reflection because that's what people like me do. Right. Exactly. And I have found it's been so beneficial.
Speaker 1
And all motivation is self motivation. And what happens when we have a coach or go through basic training is someone is trying to take external standards and apply them to us so they will become internal standards. And that's a key part of what the practice is about is to understand that we can adopt new internal standards if we want to.)
- Time 0:05:10