R/AskReddit - Reddit, What Is Something You Think Is Really Valuable to Memorize/Know?

@created:: 2024-01-31
@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskReddit - Reddit, What Is Something You Think Is Really Valuable to Memorize/Know?
@author:: reddit.com

2024-02-01 reddit.com - RAskReddit - Reddit, What Is Something You Think Is Really Valuable to MemorizeKnow

Book cover of "R/AskReddit - Reddit, What Is Something You Think Is Really Valuable to Memorize/Know?"




Ctrl+SHIFT+T re-opens the last tab you closed in Chrome and Firefox and even Internet Explorer.
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Also, of you accidentally close am entire session at once (ctrl+shift+w), you can re-open chrome and press that to reload your entire last session.
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