R/ObsidianMD - What Is Your Obsidian Hack, Tip, or Feature You Want to Share?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: knowledge management, obsidian,
@ref:: R/ObsidianMD - What Is Your Obsidian Hack, Tip, or Feature You Want to Share?
@author:: reddit.com

2022-07-17 reddit.com - RObsidianMD - What Is Your Obsidian Hack, Tip, or Feature You Want to Share

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Get off the 10 hour obsidian courses and 3 hour YouTube tutorials and keep it simple.Daily note. No fancy template.Log ideas in new, dedicated notes.Backlink liberally.Don’t mess with MOCs until you have big clusters on your map, then create them to synthesize your ideas.Do not create a bunch of MOCs and structure up front. Let it be emergent.Don’t get bogged down with logging tons of metadata.Don’t try to make Obsidian into a Swiss Army knife. It’s not good at everything and you can’t make it be.
- No location available
- productivity, simplicity, tools, favorite,