I'm 36

@tags:: #lit✍/🐦tweet/highlights
@ref:: I'm 36
@author:: Sarah Larsen


Book cover of "I'm 36"




(highlight:: The Physiological Sigh:
One of the fastest ways to calm down.
• 1 deep inhale through the nose
• 1 short inhale to top up
• 1 long exhale to empty lungs
Just 1-3 cycles emphasizing the exhale will offload the max amount of CO2, slow your heart rate & relax you in real time.)
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(highlight:: Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule:
To break the cycle of anxiety and change your stress habits, simply count down from 5.
This exercise:
• Activates your prefrontal cortex
• Interrupts your habitual thought loops
• Shifts your brain from fight-or-flight to action mode)
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(highlight:: 3Q Filters Test:
If you want to curb stress, you need to curate your thoughts.
Run them through Jon Acuff's 3 filters:
• Is it true?
• Is it helpful?
• Is it kind?
If they're not accurate, not serving you and making you feel worse...
Discard them immediately.)
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(highlight:: Joe Dispenza's mental rehearsal:
To perform at your best, you gotta visualize success.
Imagine mastering your situation with vivid clarity.
Engage all your senses.
Feel the triumph and gratitude associated with it.
Regularly rehearse this scenario to reinforce those circuits)
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(highlight:: Tim Ferriss' Fear-Setting Exercise:
Conquer your fears by knowing them.
• Define your fears for clarity
• Brainstorm prevention
• Plan for damage repair
• List the benefits of taking action
• Consider the costs of inaction)
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(highlight:: The Swish Pattern
Among NLP's 100s of techniques, this one is the simplest and most famous.
• Visualize the behaviour you want to change
• Quickly swap it with your desired behaviour
• Repeat until it becomes automatic)
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: I'm 36
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/🐦tweet/highlights
@ref:: I'm 36
@author:: Sarah Larsen


Book cover of "I'm 36"




(highlight:: The Physiological Sigh:
One of the fastest ways to calm down.
• 1 deep inhale through the nose
• 1 short inhale to top up
• 1 long exhale to empty lungs
Just 1-3 cycles emphasizing the exhale will offload the max amount of CO2, slow your heart rate & relax you in real time.)
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(highlight:: Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule:
To break the cycle of anxiety and change your stress habits, simply count down from 5.
This exercise:
• Activates your prefrontal cortex
• Interrupts your habitual thought loops
• Shifts your brain from fight-or-flight to action mode)
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(highlight:: 3Q Filters Test:
If you want to curb stress, you need to curate your thoughts.
Run them through Jon Acuff's 3 filters:
• Is it true?
• Is it helpful?
• Is it kind?
If they're not accurate, not serving you and making you feel worse...
Discard them immediately.)
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(highlight:: Joe Dispenza's mental rehearsal:
To perform at your best, you gotta visualize success.
Imagine mastering your situation with vivid clarity.
Engage all your senses.
Feel the triumph and gratitude associated with it.
Regularly rehearse this scenario to reinforce those circuits)
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(highlight:: Tim Ferriss' Fear-Setting Exercise:
Conquer your fears by knowing them.
• Define your fears for clarity
• Brainstorm prevention
• Plan for damage repair
• List the benefits of taking action
• Consider the costs of inaction)
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(highlight:: The Swish Pattern
Among NLP's 100s of techniques, this one is the simplest and most famous.
• Visualize the behaviour you want to change
• Quickly swap it with your desired behaviour
• Repeat until it becomes automatic)
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