Tweets From Michelle Mac

@tags:: #lit✍/🐦tweet/highlights
@ref:: Tweets From Michelle Mac
@author:: @heymichellemac on Twitter

Book cover of "Tweets From Michelle Mac"




(highlight:: Now that I'm using embedded search queries a lot more in @obsdmd I needed to get to grips with the search operators so I made a handy cheat sheet to help me out.
Including it here incase it helps anyone else out 👇
Of course there's a light and dark mode option 😅

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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Tweets From Michelle Mac
source: twitter

@tags:: #lit✍/🐦tweet/highlights
@ref:: Tweets From Michelle Mac
@author:: @heymichellemac on Twitter

Book cover of "Tweets From Michelle Mac"




(highlight:: Now that I'm using embedded search queries a lot more in @obsdmd I needed to get to grips with the search operators so I made a handy cheat sheet to help me out.
Including it here incase it helps anyone else out 👇
Of course there's a light and dark mode option 😅

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