Valentine’s Day

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Valentine’s Day
@author:: In Good We Trust

Book cover of "Valentine’s Day"




(highlight:: Marriage is a Continuous Choice, Not an Singular Event
Maintaining relationships, whether with friends or partners, requires daily effort.
Marriage is not a one-time event but a continual series of choices to care, love, respect, and enjoy one another. Founder of Ethical Culture, Felix Adler, likened marriage to an endless process of intertwining two souls throughout life.
Love is compared to tending a garden, where constant nurturing and attention are needed.
Speaker 1
But relationships, whether between friends or lovers, need be tended every day. At weddings I've officiated I've told the couple you will wake each morning with a choice a choice to care for each other or not to love or not to respect or not to enjoy one another or not And through that daily choice you will renew these vows you make today. Felix Adler, who founded Ethical Culture, said something similar about marriage. We are not married on our wedding day. On that day, we begin to be married. The true marriage is an endless process, the perpetual interlinking of two souls while life lasts. I think that love is less like a storm of passion that sweeps through our lives and more like a garden where you till, sow, water, harvest, mulch with steady loving care.)
- Time 0:07:18
- marriage, love,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Valentine’s Day
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Valentine’s Day
@author:: In Good We Trust

Book cover of "Valentine’s Day"




(highlight:: Marriage is a Continuous Choice, Not an Singular Event
Maintaining relationships, whether with friends or partners, requires daily effort.
Marriage is not a one-time event but a continual series of choices to care, love, respect, and enjoy one another. Founder of Ethical Culture, Felix Adler, likened marriage to an endless process of intertwining two souls throughout life.
Love is compared to tending a garden, where constant nurturing and attention are needed.
Speaker 1
But relationships, whether between friends or lovers, need be tended every day. At weddings I've officiated I've told the couple you will wake each morning with a choice a choice to care for each other or not to love or not to respect or not to enjoy one another or not And through that daily choice you will renew these vows you make today. Felix Adler, who founded Ethical Culture, said something similar about marriage. We are not married on our wedding day. On that day, we begin to be married. The true marriage is an endless process, the perpetual interlinking of two souls while life lasts. I think that love is less like a storm of passion that sweeps through our lives and more like a garden where you till, sow, water, harvest, mulch with steady loving care.)
- Time 0:07:18
- marriage, love,