2024-03-13 80,000 Hours Podcast - #26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: #26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket
@author:: 80,000 Hours Podcast


Book cover of "#26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket"




(highlight:: Not Your Old McDonald's Farm: Ripping Out Pig Testicals and Cutting Out a Cow's Eye
Speaker 1
But during my personal experiences working on farms And to be clear the farms that I spent my time on were not factory farms They were not intensive units, these were local, family owned, Pasteurized, you know, some of them were even animal welfare approved So these were the old McDonald farms that you hear about And we were still cutting horns off of baby goats and literally Ripping testicles out of baby pigs and cows And I want to make it clear to people that the testicles do not get cut out, they are ripped out Because, you know, if you were to cut off the testicles Then the animal would most likely bleed out And these things are done without pain medication I was lucky enough to be with a veterinarian who felt that it was necessary to use pain medication And I'm glad that the field is moving in that direction But a lot of these procedures are not performed by vets, not performed with pain medication And it was just very clear to me that If things like that were going on in these, you know, pristine, happy farms Then what's going on in the factory farms? I couldn't even imagine And the breaking point for me was one day when we were called out to a cattle ranch And a mama cow had a really bad case of pink eye, a really bad eye infection And her Eye had to come out and there were not a lot of options The farmer wasn't willing to put money into having her brought to the veterinary hospital Where she could be properly anesthetized And have the eye removed that way And additionally we couldn't anesthetize her in the field Because there would be too much of a risk of her not waking up again And alternatively we couldn't Euthanize her because she was not being seen as a sentient creature She was being seen as the amount of money that she would be worth as a meat product Which was around $800 And we couldn't Just let the eye stay because that would lead to even more horrible disease That would most likely spread into her brain and she would die a horrible horrible death So the only option That we were left with was to have her eye removed while she was still conscious So I spent two hours restraining this cow while she had her eye cut out of her head And that was when it really... When you go through something like that You know, you kind of change your perspective on how things work in the world and what's important to you)
- Time 0:04:35


(highlight:: Research and Biotech Hubs to Found a Clean Meat Company In
Speaker 1
If you wanted if you wanted to start a company focusing on on turkey growth or pig growth It would be a good idea to to do that in someplace like North Carolina or Illinois Where there's A lot of researchers that are focused not on clean meat production But on the science behind meat production of those animals Within the animal right now, but those those people that Have you know 20 years of experience Studying how to increase muscle mass in an animal are going to be very useful for us as well And so I think being in that location definitely has its Benefits But at the same time being in places where biotechnology is on the rise So Boston London Melbourne these places are also really good ideas in terms of establishing a company If that's something you're interested in because you have access to not only a whole bunch of people that are interested in biotech specifically medical based biotech, but you have People that are already working on it And so there are companies within that's those cities that are focused on Staling up the the medical based companies and so those are things that Can be applied to the clean meat based companies as well)
- Time 0:22:15


(highlight:: Universities, Professors, and Conferences Involved In Clean Meat
Speaker 2
Which of those schools seem the most promising to you that any centers that stand out as being first choices for applications?
Speaker 1
Oh, yes, absolutely. So, um, you know, again me being biased, but I would definitely say Harvard There's a lot of options here in terms of professors that are both interested. You know, we have doctor church who's obviously interested Uh, we also have kit parker who I believe might be working on some on some clean meat research as well And then just around in In the boston area. We have kla parpa from mit. We have doctor daveid kaplin at tufts Uh, and then down in north carolina where i'm from i'm pretty familiar with that area as well. Um, in seastate dr peter keta with the the veterinary school He's also a mentor of mine and is interested in the research. Um, there's a lot of really cool regenerative medicine research specifically in muscle Coming out of duke university. Um, wake forest university. Uh, I would say tom rando at stanford Would be a fabulous person to have on board. I haven't been able to get ahold of him yet But maybe if enough people start flooding his inbox, he'll He'll get involved. There's several people in canada dr paling, uh over in audawa as well as um michael rudnicky Now he hasn't uh, you know, he's not necessarily involved yet, but he has a lot of amazing muscle Stem cell Biology experience and again would be a fantastic person to have on board Also in alberta, there's a program called cpcp or cp squared And they're mainly plant based but they're Also interested in getting involved in the clean meat space And I think that would have a lot of benefit in terms of plant based media plant based scaffolding They also have a lot of uh Connections with the industry and chefs people that understand uh kind of mouth feel and taste and texture and all that all that uh, really important Really important research that We need in addition to the basic science behind, you know Actually creating the product we need to be able to make it taste good too, right in italy Uh, we have staphano barisi who's potentially Interested in getting involved another great muscle stem cell biologist England obviously we have marionella sovour and bath she has several students working with her She's working On by a reactor design in the netherlands. We have dr. Mark post Uh, which you probably have heard of the the creator of the first lab grown hamburger and uh, oh even over in australia We have some potential interests, you know, melburn is A great hub for biotechnology Um and james riol might might also be a good connection to have in terms of you know, hoping to get involved He might be open to to um having some students or Uh having some potential Researchers, oh and then of course in in israel. I know that dr. Leavenburg at the tech neon israel institute of technology She you know, she again would be a fantastic p.i And fingers crossed you might be actually looking for some more students To take on given how you know how Progressive the field has been in that area, but some more references I would say would probably to uh head to the cultured beef conference website the International cultured beef conference It's held every uh fall in the netherlands and if you take a look at the roster take a look at the speaker lineup Um just from any of the past three Years. I would say that any of those people are fantastic fantastic connections and uh, you know If they're if they are researchers, um, I would recommend getting in contact with them and seeing You know seeing if they have any potential openings for students or um potential interest in collaboration because a lot of times You know, they're looking for students to come on board)
- Time 1:09:24

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: #26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: #26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket
@author:: 80,000 Hours Podcast


Book cover of "#26 - Marie Gibbons on How Exactly Clean Meat Is Made & What's Needed to Get It in Every Supermarket"




(highlight:: Not Your Old McDonald's Farm: Ripping Out Pig Testicals and Cutting Out a Cow's Eye
Speaker 1
But during my personal experiences working on farms And to be clear the farms that I spent my time on were not factory farms They were not intensive units, these were local, family owned, Pasteurized, you know, some of them were even animal welfare approved So these were the old McDonald farms that you hear about And we were still cutting horns off of baby goats and literally Ripping testicles out of baby pigs and cows And I want to make it clear to people that the testicles do not get cut out, they are ripped out Because, you know, if you were to cut off the testicles Then the animal would most likely bleed out And these things are done without pain medication I was lucky enough to be with a veterinarian who felt that it was necessary to use pain medication And I'm glad that the field is moving in that direction But a lot of these procedures are not performed by vets, not performed with pain medication And it was just very clear to me that If things like that were going on in these, you know, pristine, happy farms Then what's going on in the factory farms? I couldn't even imagine And the breaking point for me was one day when we were called out to a cattle ranch And a mama cow had a really bad case of pink eye, a really bad eye infection And her Eye had to come out and there were not a lot of options The farmer wasn't willing to put money into having her brought to the veterinary hospital Where she could be properly anesthetized And have the eye removed that way And additionally we couldn't anesthetize her in the field Because there would be too much of a risk of her not waking up again And alternatively we couldn't Euthanize her because she was not being seen as a sentient creature She was being seen as the amount of money that she would be worth as a meat product Which was around $800 And we couldn't Just let the eye stay because that would lead to even more horrible disease That would most likely spread into her brain and she would die a horrible horrible death So the only option That we were left with was to have her eye removed while she was still conscious So I spent two hours restraining this cow while she had her eye cut out of her head And that was when it really... When you go through something like that You know, you kind of change your perspective on how things work in the world and what's important to you)
- Time 0:04:35


(highlight:: Research and Biotech Hubs to Found a Clean Meat Company In
Speaker 1
If you wanted if you wanted to start a company focusing on on turkey growth or pig growth It would be a good idea to to do that in someplace like North Carolina or Illinois Where there's A lot of researchers that are focused not on clean meat production But on the science behind meat production of those animals Within the animal right now, but those those people that Have you know 20 years of experience Studying how to increase muscle mass in an animal are going to be very useful for us as well And so I think being in that location definitely has its Benefits But at the same time being in places where biotechnology is on the rise So Boston London Melbourne these places are also really good ideas in terms of establishing a company If that's something you're interested in because you have access to not only a whole bunch of people that are interested in biotech specifically medical based biotech, but you have People that are already working on it And so there are companies within that's those cities that are focused on Staling up the the medical based companies and so those are things that Can be applied to the clean meat based companies as well)
- Time 0:22:15


(highlight:: Universities, Professors, and Conferences Involved In Clean Meat
Speaker 2
Which of those schools seem the most promising to you that any centers that stand out as being first choices for applications?
Speaker 1
Oh, yes, absolutely. So, um, you know, again me being biased, but I would definitely say Harvard There's a lot of options here in terms of professors that are both interested. You know, we have doctor church who's obviously interested Uh, we also have kit parker who I believe might be working on some on some clean meat research as well And then just around in In the boston area. We have kla parpa from mit. We have doctor daveid kaplin at tufts Uh, and then down in north carolina where i'm from i'm pretty familiar with that area as well. Um, in seastate dr peter keta with the the veterinary school He's also a mentor of mine and is interested in the research. Um, there's a lot of really cool regenerative medicine research specifically in muscle Coming out of duke university. Um, wake forest university. Uh, I would say tom rando at stanford Would be a fabulous person to have on board. I haven't been able to get ahold of him yet But maybe if enough people start flooding his inbox, he'll He'll get involved. There's several people in canada dr paling, uh over in audawa as well as um michael rudnicky Now he hasn't uh, you know, he's not necessarily involved yet, but he has a lot of amazing muscle Stem cell Biology experience and again would be a fantastic person to have on board Also in alberta, there's a program called cpcp or cp squared And they're mainly plant based but they're Also interested in getting involved in the clean meat space And I think that would have a lot of benefit in terms of plant based media plant based scaffolding They also have a lot of uh Connections with the industry and chefs people that understand uh kind of mouth feel and taste and texture and all that all that uh, really important Really important research that We need in addition to the basic science behind, you know Actually creating the product we need to be able to make it taste good too, right in italy Uh, we have staphano barisi who's potentially Interested in getting involved another great muscle stem cell biologist England obviously we have marionella sovour and bath she has several students working with her She's working On by a reactor design in the netherlands. We have dr. Mark post Uh, which you probably have heard of the the creator of the first lab grown hamburger and uh, oh even over in australia We have some potential interests, you know, melburn is A great hub for biotechnology Um and james riol might might also be a good connection to have in terms of you know, hoping to get involved He might be open to to um having some students or Uh having some potential Researchers, oh and then of course in in israel. I know that dr. Leavenburg at the tech neon israel institute of technology She you know, she again would be a fantastic p.i And fingers crossed you might be actually looking for some more students To take on given how you know how Progressive the field has been in that area, but some more references I would say would probably to uh head to the cultured beef conference website the International cultured beef conference It's held every uh fall in the netherlands and if you take a look at the roster take a look at the speaker lineup Um just from any of the past three Years. I would say that any of those people are fantastic fantastic connections and uh, you know If they're if they are researchers, um, I would recommend getting in contact with them and seeing You know seeing if they have any potential openings for students or um potential interest in collaboration because a lot of times You know, they're looking for students to come on board)
- Time 1:09:24