451 — How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: 451 — How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern
@author:: Read to Lead Podcast


Book cover of "451 —  How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern"




(highlight:: 3 Steps to Creating a Personal Brand: Create It, Sustain It, Sell It
Creating a personal brand involves three key steps: first, intentionally create the brand by considering how it can help or hinder you, and identifying potential triggers that may steer you off course; second, live the brand authentically and consistently across all aspects of life; and third, proactively promote and sell the brand by seeking opportunities to showcase its various facets, effectively persuading others to buy into it.
Speaker 2
Well, you also assert that our personal brand that we develop is useless unless we do three very specific things. And I like that it's also how you structured the book, which is handy. What are those three things exactly?
Speaker 1
So the first thing is you've got to create a brand. It's not something that happens by accident if you're being intentional and you've got to really think through the scenarios of where your brand can help can hinder what the triggers Will be for you when you'll want to go off brand. So there's truly a crafting piece. And then the second piece is you got to live it. It's got to be authentic. It's got to be you. And it's got to be something you can sustain in literally every aspect of life. And then the third piece, which is the one that is the most often skipped is you have to sell that brand. You have to proactively look for moments in time to elevate the different facets of your brand. So people are kind of buying what you're trying to sell.)
- Time 0:05:36
- personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Decide on Five Words that Embody Your Personal Brand
Identify five words that capture how you want to be known and described by others.
Consider the traits or characteristics you want to embody in your reputation and legacy. This exercise helps to define your core brand and shapes how you present yourself to the world.
Speaker 1
But if you use her as the example for the exercise, what I want readers to do and I want listeners to do is think about five words that you want people to use when they describe you kind of Like always never. Right. So Cindy always does. Jeff never does. Okay, Dolly Parton always looks like Dolly Parton. She is never going to walk out without hair, makeup, lipstick, nails, all the things. Dolly Parton is never unkind. These are the pieces where if you know who you want to be known as and who you want your reputation and legacy to be, the exercise is whittle that down to five of those kinds of words that You want others to say about you when you're not in the room. And that's going to help you get closer to what that core brand is that you want to be known as and then you can start crafting what those other facets are.)
- Time 0:07:15
- personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Pick a Lane: getting clear on what your personal brand is
Having a clear personal brand is essential for people to know how to perceive and advocate for you.
Conflicting brands can confuse others and hinder their support. It's important to introspect on what you truly want in life, what success means to you, and the qualities needed to achieve it.
Making a decision about the path you want to pursue is crucial, even though it doesn't mean you can't have multiple talents.
Ultimately, it's about picking a lane and being clear on the mark you want to leave on the world.
Speaker 1
So it's the same thing with your brand. People don't know how to sort of file you in their mind and they know where your space is. They can't advocate for you. And I really do believe that nobody does this life alone. We all help each other. And I may think you are the best chef in the world, but then you keep telling me you want to go be a singer. I don't know where to put you. So when you have two brands that are kind of in conflict, it's not that you're not good at both of those brands. It's that you haven't been clear about what your intention is of what mark you want to leave on the world. So you got to take a step back and really start thinking about, you know, what do I actually want my life to be? What do I want success to look like? And then what are the qualities that are going to get me there? What's the life that I want to lead that is going to be at the end of this? And if it's a chef, then you go down that brand path. If it's a singer, you go down that brand path. But there is a decision that needs to be made. It doesn't mean that you can't be a chef who sings or a singer who cooks, but you got to pick a lane.)
- Time 0:08:52
- differentiation, personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Derailing from Your Brand is Inevitable... Plan for It!
Having a brand plan that anticipates both positive and negative triggers is crucial to living your brand authentically.
It's important to be intentional and create a practice around growing into your brand, especially when it involves significant changes. Authenticity is key, as trying to sustain a brand that isn't truly you is not feasible in the long run.
It's essential to be mindful of your capacity to embody and sustain your brand, ensuring it's a realistic and sustainable extension of yourself.
Speaker 2
Moving to part two of the book, living your brand. What advice would you give for helping someone literally live out there?
Speaker 1
So the biggest piece is you've got to have that brand plan that plans for both the good and the bad. Like I mentioned, you know, what are the triggers that are going to get in your way that are going to make you want to go off brand? And especially if it's a brand that you're growing into. So maybe you're intentionally trying to be more punctual. That's going to take a little effort. You're trying to get up earlier in the morning. That's going to take different planning. So some of those things are things that you've got to be really intentional about and create a practice around it so that you can grow into that brand. But the biggest thing is about that authenticity, that it needs to be a brand that's truly you. Because if you're going to have to be you plus 50% forever, it's not sustainable. If it's you plus 10% completely doable. So being mindful of what size of motor you've got in your soul to be able to execute.)
- Time 0:14:27
- personal_branding, pre-mortems, 1socialdont-post,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: 451 — How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: 451 — How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern
@author:: Read to Lead Podcast


Book cover of "451 —  How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand With Dr. Cindy McGovern"




(highlight:: 3 Steps to Creating a Personal Brand: Create It, Sustain It, Sell It
Creating a personal brand involves three key steps: first, intentionally create the brand by considering how it can help or hinder you, and identifying potential triggers that may steer you off course; second, live the brand authentically and consistently across all aspects of life; and third, proactively promote and sell the brand by seeking opportunities to showcase its various facets, effectively persuading others to buy into it.
Speaker 2
Well, you also assert that our personal brand that we develop is useless unless we do three very specific things. And I like that it's also how you structured the book, which is handy. What are those three things exactly?
Speaker 1
So the first thing is you've got to create a brand. It's not something that happens by accident if you're being intentional and you've got to really think through the scenarios of where your brand can help can hinder what the triggers Will be for you when you'll want to go off brand. So there's truly a crafting piece. And then the second piece is you got to live it. It's got to be authentic. It's got to be you. And it's got to be something you can sustain in literally every aspect of life. And then the third piece, which is the one that is the most often skipped is you have to sell that brand. You have to proactively look for moments in time to elevate the different facets of your brand. So people are kind of buying what you're trying to sell.)
- Time 0:05:36
- personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Decide on Five Words that Embody Your Personal Brand
Identify five words that capture how you want to be known and described by others.
Consider the traits or characteristics you want to embody in your reputation and legacy. This exercise helps to define your core brand and shapes how you present yourself to the world.
Speaker 1
But if you use her as the example for the exercise, what I want readers to do and I want listeners to do is think about five words that you want people to use when they describe you kind of Like always never. Right. So Cindy always does. Jeff never does. Okay, Dolly Parton always looks like Dolly Parton. She is never going to walk out without hair, makeup, lipstick, nails, all the things. Dolly Parton is never unkind. These are the pieces where if you know who you want to be known as and who you want your reputation and legacy to be, the exercise is whittle that down to five of those kinds of words that You want others to say about you when you're not in the room. And that's going to help you get closer to what that core brand is that you want to be known as and then you can start crafting what those other facets are.)
- Time 0:07:15
- personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Pick a Lane: getting clear on what your personal brand is
Having a clear personal brand is essential for people to know how to perceive and advocate for you.
Conflicting brands can confuse others and hinder their support. It's important to introspect on what you truly want in life, what success means to you, and the qualities needed to achieve it.
Making a decision about the path you want to pursue is crucial, even though it doesn't mean you can't have multiple talents.
Ultimately, it's about picking a lane and being clear on the mark you want to leave on the world.
Speaker 1
So it's the same thing with your brand. People don't know how to sort of file you in their mind and they know where your space is. They can't advocate for you. And I really do believe that nobody does this life alone. We all help each other. And I may think you are the best chef in the world, but then you keep telling me you want to go be a singer. I don't know where to put you. So when you have two brands that are kind of in conflict, it's not that you're not good at both of those brands. It's that you haven't been clear about what your intention is of what mark you want to leave on the world. So you got to take a step back and really start thinking about, you know, what do I actually want my life to be? What do I want success to look like? And then what are the qualities that are going to get me there? What's the life that I want to lead that is going to be at the end of this? And if it's a chef, then you go down that brand path. If it's a singer, you go down that brand path. But there is a decision that needs to be made. It doesn't mean that you can't be a chef who sings or a singer who cooks, but you got to pick a lane.)
- Time 0:08:52
- differentiation, personal_branding, 1socialdont-post,


(highlight:: Derailing from Your Brand is Inevitable... Plan for It!
Having a brand plan that anticipates both positive and negative triggers is crucial to living your brand authentically.
It's important to be intentional and create a practice around growing into your brand, especially when it involves significant changes. Authenticity is key, as trying to sustain a brand that isn't truly you is not feasible in the long run.
It's essential to be mindful of your capacity to embody and sustain your brand, ensuring it's a realistic and sustainable extension of yourself.
Speaker 2
Moving to part two of the book, living your brand. What advice would you give for helping someone literally live out there?
Speaker 1
So the biggest piece is you've got to have that brand plan that plans for both the good and the bad. Like I mentioned, you know, what are the triggers that are going to get in your way that are going to make you want to go off brand? And especially if it's a brand that you're growing into. So maybe you're intentionally trying to be more punctual. That's going to take a little effort. You're trying to get up earlier in the morning. That's going to take different planning. So some of those things are things that you've got to be really intentional about and create a practice around it so that you can grow into that brand. But the biggest thing is about that authenticity, that it needs to be a brand that's truly you. Because if you're going to have to be you plus 50% forever, it's not sustainable. If it's you plus 10% completely doable. So being mindful of what size of motor you've got in your soul to be able to execute.)
- Time 0:14:27
- personal_branding, pre-mortems, 1socialdont-post,