Carrie Hane on Content Models

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Carrie Hane on Content Models
@author:: The Informed Life

Book cover of "Carrie Hane on Content Models"




(highlight:: What are the different components of a Content Management System?
A book provides a framework for publishing digital content in 5 steps: domain modeling, content modeling, designing content, building CMS, and designing interfaces to serve user needs.
Speaker 1
So the book is provides a framework for publishing digital content across any channel. And that involves so it's kind of a five step process. Starting with domain modeling, modeling the truth of the domain and the subject area that you're working in. And then the content model, which is the content that the organization wants to represent in various ways. And then designing the content based on that structure that you've defined in the models and building the content management system, the content repository to enable that and then Designing the interfaces and the navigation to showcase and the content and the reason for being. You know, to serve the user needs.)
- Time 0:09:20

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Carrie Hane on Content Models
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Carrie Hane on Content Models
@author:: The Informed Life

Book cover of "Carrie Hane on Content Models"




(highlight:: What are the different components of a Content Management System?
A book provides a framework for publishing digital content in 5 steps: domain modeling, content modeling, designing content, building CMS, and designing interfaces to serve user needs.
Speaker 1
So the book is provides a framework for publishing digital content across any channel. And that involves so it's kind of a five step process. Starting with domain modeling, modeling the truth of the domain and the subject area that you're working in. And then the content model, which is the content that the organization wants to represent in various ways. And then designing the content based on that structure that you've defined in the models and building the content management system, the content repository to enable that and then Designing the interfaces and the navigation to showcase and the content and the reason for being. You know, to serve the user needs.)
- Time 0:09:20