Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@links:: animal advocacy, animal law, animal welfare protection,
@ref:: Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals
@author:: How I Learned to Love Shrimp


Book cover of "Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals"




(highlight:: Animal Law is Extremely Complex From a Regulatory Perspective
Animal law is a massively broad practice area with different regulatory frameworks for each species.
This results in a large amount of legislation to navigate. Furthermore, society's treatment of animals opens up various legal options, such as prosecution, challenging the government, and civil claims.
Animal law is difficult and mentally stimulating due to witnessing horrific cruelty.
There is a misconception about what animal law actually looks like in practice.
Speaker 1
The reality is it could not be more grueling like for every, for all reasons. So, so one, it's a massively broad practice area. You know, every, you know, every industry will have like a different regulatory framework. That's just not something that happens with humans. So if you think about it, a rat, for example, will have a different legal framework if that rats get companion rat, if that rat is deemed a pest. They're different regulatory frameworks for one species, you know, and that times, however many species, however many species, that's a lot of legislation. Not only that, due to the way, you know, society treats animals, you know, it's products, there's entertainment, you know, test methods. Due to that, you know, there's different legal kind of options available. So, you know, there's, there's prosecution, there's challenges against the government, there's civil claims because animals are deemed property under the law. So just because the way society treats animals, you've also opened up this kind of array of legal avenues to pursue. So it's massively broad. Not only that, of course, you're witnessing horrific cruelty and incredibly mentally, you know, stimulating, I suppose, but just it's difficult. It's a strenuous area. So I think that there's a, you know, misconception with what animal law actually looks like in practice.)
- Time 0:08:55
- 1socialpost-queue, animal justice, animal law,


(highlight:: The Incredibly Low Prosecution Rate for Farm Animal Welfare Infringements
Key takeaways:
• The figure for the number of prosecutions resulting from farm animal welfare infringements is around 0.33%
Speaker 3
Do you remember what the exact number of figure was for in terms of what happens if someone infringed on farm animal welfare protections?
Speaker 1
Yeah, so there were a lot of percentages of various indicators that proved poor welfare, farm welfare enforcement, but one that comes to mind is I think it's something like 0.33% result In prosecution. So yeah, that's obviously incredibly low.)
- Time 0:27:08
- animal protection enforcement, prosecution,


(highlight:: Solutions to the Animal Welfare Enforcement Problem: Better Funding and Shifting Cultural Attitudes
Key takeaways:
• Local authorities are drastically underfunded and need more funding to enforce animal welfare law.
• Funding should be directly related to the number of animals in their jurisdiction and the average amount of animal abuse in the constituency.
• Education and resources for local authorities regarding their responsibility for animal welfare law is lacking due to funding.
• The attitude that the RSPCA should solely deal with animal welfare enforcement needs to change.
• Animals are not seen as important because their welfare is left to a charity.
• There should be a cultural shift in valuing animals and their legal protections.
Speaker 3
So what do you think is one of the best solutions or ways out of this enforcement problem?
Speaker 1
Yeah, really good question. So yeah, I think to be honest, I think that local authorities are drastically underfunded. I think that they, you know, I think that if you're going to give them all of this responsibility to enforce animal welfare law, then there should be the funding put aside to do exactly That, you know, and that funding should directly relate to how many animals are within their jurisdiction and it should relate to real data on, you know, what's an average amount of Animal abuse in any one kind of constituency. I think that that would be a sensible thing to do to make sure that they're fully resource with that obviously comes education. I've sometimes dealt with local authorities that haven't known that they're responsible for animal welfare law within their area. It's again, that must just be a funding issue, right? The funding's not there to be educated and to have the resources to know even that level of information. So I think that that would be a really crucial step in this. I think that there's this attitude that the RSPCA deal with animal welfare enforcement and I think that that needs to change. I think that the RSPCA have a really great track record of animal welfare prosecutions and enforcement action. The problem is there a charity, you know, and in fact, I'm honest, it really kind of underscores what the issue is. That animal issues are not seen as important, you know, their balance was to a charity. That attitude has to change, you know. Animals are given these legal protections under the law. There should be a responsibility from the state to make sure that those laws mean something and not just left to a charity. So I think it's that kind of culture around animals value that's also at play here.)
- Time 0:28:55

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@links:: animal advocacy, animal law, animal welfare protection,
@ref:: Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals
@author:: How I Learned to Love Shrimp


Book cover of "Edie Bowles on Utilising the Law to Support the Protection of Animals"




(highlight:: Animal Law is Extremely Complex From a Regulatory Perspective
Animal law is a massively broad practice area with different regulatory frameworks for each species.
This results in a large amount of legislation to navigate. Furthermore, society's treatment of animals opens up various legal options, such as prosecution, challenging the government, and civil claims.
Animal law is difficult and mentally stimulating due to witnessing horrific cruelty.
There is a misconception about what animal law actually looks like in practice.
Speaker 1
The reality is it could not be more grueling like for every, for all reasons. So, so one, it's a massively broad practice area. You know, every, you know, every industry will have like a different regulatory framework. That's just not something that happens with humans. So if you think about it, a rat, for example, will have a different legal framework if that rats get companion rat, if that rat is deemed a pest. They're different regulatory frameworks for one species, you know, and that times, however many species, however many species, that's a lot of legislation. Not only that, due to the way, you know, society treats animals, you know, it's products, there's entertainment, you know, test methods. Due to that, you know, there's different legal kind of options available. So, you know, there's, there's prosecution, there's challenges against the government, there's civil claims because animals are deemed property under the law. So just because the way society treats animals, you've also opened up this kind of array of legal avenues to pursue. So it's massively broad. Not only that, of course, you're witnessing horrific cruelty and incredibly mentally, you know, stimulating, I suppose, but just it's difficult. It's a strenuous area. So I think that there's a, you know, misconception with what animal law actually looks like in practice.)
- Time 0:08:55
- 1socialpost-queue, animal justice, animal law,


(highlight:: The Incredibly Low Prosecution Rate for Farm Animal Welfare Infringements
Key takeaways:
• The figure for the number of prosecutions resulting from farm animal welfare infringements is around 0.33%
Speaker 3
Do you remember what the exact number of figure was for in terms of what happens if someone infringed on farm animal welfare protections?
Speaker 1
Yeah, so there were a lot of percentages of various indicators that proved poor welfare, farm welfare enforcement, but one that comes to mind is I think it's something like 0.33% result In prosecution. So yeah, that's obviously incredibly low.)
- Time 0:27:08
- animal protection enforcement, prosecution,


(highlight:: Solutions to the Animal Welfare Enforcement Problem: Better Funding and Shifting Cultural Attitudes
Key takeaways:
• Local authorities are drastically underfunded and need more funding to enforce animal welfare law.
• Funding should be directly related to the number of animals in their jurisdiction and the average amount of animal abuse in the constituency.
• Education and resources for local authorities regarding their responsibility for animal welfare law is lacking due to funding.
• The attitude that the RSPCA should solely deal with animal welfare enforcement needs to change.
• Animals are not seen as important because their welfare is left to a charity.
• There should be a cultural shift in valuing animals and their legal protections.
Speaker 3
So what do you think is one of the best solutions or ways out of this enforcement problem?
Speaker 1
Yeah, really good question. So yeah, I think to be honest, I think that local authorities are drastically underfunded. I think that they, you know, I think that if you're going to give them all of this responsibility to enforce animal welfare law, then there should be the funding put aside to do exactly That, you know, and that funding should directly relate to how many animals are within their jurisdiction and it should relate to real data on, you know, what's an average amount of Animal abuse in any one kind of constituency. I think that that would be a sensible thing to do to make sure that they're fully resource with that obviously comes education. I've sometimes dealt with local authorities that haven't known that they're responsible for animal welfare law within their area. It's again, that must just be a funding issue, right? The funding's not there to be educated and to have the resources to know even that level of information. So I think that that would be a really crucial step in this. I think that there's this attitude that the RSPCA deal with animal welfare enforcement and I think that that needs to change. I think that the RSPCA have a really great track record of animal welfare prosecutions and enforcement action. The problem is there a charity, you know, and in fact, I'm honest, it really kind of underscores what the issue is. That animal issues are not seen as important, you know, their balance was to a charity. That attitude has to change, you know. Animals are given these legal protections under the law. There should be a responsibility from the state to make sure that those laws mean something and not just left to a charity. So I think it's that kind of culture around animals value that's also at play here.)
- Time 0:28:55