Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public
@author:: How I Learned to Love Shrimp


Book cover of "Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public"




(highlight:: The Animal Advocacy Movement Needs A/B Testing Research Done on Ballot Initiatives
Real research is needed to understand the effect of upcoming ballot initiatives on the animal advocacy movement.
This could involve conducting public opinion polls before and after the initiative to gather information about the impact of the movement. Such polling would involve asking US residents questions about their support for animal freedom in a jurisdiction where the ballot initiative is taking place.
This research would provide valuable insights for the movement to effectively carry out their work.
Speaker 1
One thing that I think would be really amazing is to have some real research happening alongside an upcoming ballot initiative so that we can really know what the effect of that ballot Initiative is. And so some of the ways that the $50,000 could go to just getting the movement, the kind of information that we need to be able to do our work effectively could be like doing public opinion Polling before and after a ballot initiative. And that could look like asking a population of US residents in our case. Questions about their support for animal freedom in a jurisdiction where we're going to run a ballot initiative, do that same thing before and after to get some good information about What the effect is that we actually had. That's one thing that I think would be really useful for the movement to have.)
- Time 0:01:26
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(highlight:: People's Beliefs About Animals are Heavily Influenced by Those Around Them
When doing an individual interview, people can express radical beliefs without the influence of others.
However, in a group setting, such as a focus group, hearing the beliefs of others can significantly impact their own beliefs. This influence can range from being reminded of their own beliefs to adopting new perspectives.
Therefore, people's beliefs about animals are heavily influenced by those around them.
Speaker 1
When you're doing an individual interview with someone it's amazing the kind of amount of support that they can get to without anybody else there to remind them what they usually believe Or what the dominant narrative is right if you know if it's just you and me in a room and you're just kind of talking through your beliefs like you can get to some really radical places if You're in a room with like you know or other ordinary Americans and you're hearing one of them say like well it's my personal choice i can do whatever i want and then you that reminds you Oh yeah i really care about personal choice i i don't want anyone to to stop me from eating what i want to eat so the focus groups really kind of up the difficulty level in that way)
- Time 0:24:27
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(highlight:: Poor health is viewed as a personal issue rather than a systematic issue by the public
Health messages are definitely harder to kind of get to be in resonance with with a more systemic frame than climate and animal focus messages. People really think about it as a matter of your personal choice and your personal habits, she says. "If you're obese or something that they often think that that's kind of like your fault"
Speaker 1
Loaded and people can really think about health as something that's like as regardless of how many systemic factors affect our health people really think about it as a matter of your Personal choice and your personal habits and kind of if you're having um yeah if you're obese or something that they often think that that's kind of like your fault so the health messages Are definitely harder to kind of get to be in resonance with with a more systemic frame um where both climate and and animal focus messages seem to be a lot easier to frame in that way um Yeah we tried a lot of different health ones and nothing was particularly a promising of the things we tried not that there aren't or out there um health messages that can be really effective If we mentioned kind of like food deserts and like accessibility)
- Time 0:41:40


(highlight:: Making political asks instead of consumer asks in animal advocacy
The speaker believes that it is not useful for the animal advocacy movement to promote veganism as the main ask.
Instead, they argue that political asks are more effective in engaging the public. They emphasize the importance of framing asks in a way that conveys societal responsibilities rather than focusing on individual consumer choices.
Speaker 1
What's the view you hold that most animal advocates would disagree with yes yeah that's a great question um and i alluded to it earlier but i'll say it kind of more directly now i don't Think it is useful for the movement for our ask to be a go vegan i don't think that giving people information about yeah about veganism is is the way forward um my personal practice of veganism Is very important to me and i will never not practice it and when we're engaging with the public we have to have political asks we have to have asks that tell them that they're a member of A society and they have certain responsibilities in in that way not that they're a consumer who's supposed to shop better than other people)
- Time 0:58:04
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public
source: snipd

@tags:: #lit✍/🎧podcast/highlights
@ref:: Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public
@author:: How I Learned to Love Shrimp


Book cover of "Eva Hamer on How the Animal Advocacy Movement Can Improve Its Messaging and Win Over the Public"




(highlight:: The Animal Advocacy Movement Needs A/B Testing Research Done on Ballot Initiatives
Real research is needed to understand the effect of upcoming ballot initiatives on the animal advocacy movement.
This could involve conducting public opinion polls before and after the initiative to gather information about the impact of the movement. Such polling would involve asking US residents questions about their support for animal freedom in a jurisdiction where the ballot initiative is taking place.
This research would provide valuable insights for the movement to effectively carry out their work.
Speaker 1
One thing that I think would be really amazing is to have some real research happening alongside an upcoming ballot initiative so that we can really know what the effect of that ballot Initiative is. And so some of the ways that the $50,000 could go to just getting the movement, the kind of information that we need to be able to do our work effectively could be like doing public opinion Polling before and after a ballot initiative. And that could look like asking a population of US residents in our case. Questions about their support for animal freedom in a jurisdiction where we're going to run a ballot initiative, do that same thing before and after to get some good information about What the effect is that we actually had. That's one thing that I think would be really useful for the movement to have.)
- Time 0:01:26
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(highlight:: People's Beliefs About Animals are Heavily Influenced by Those Around Them
When doing an individual interview, people can express radical beliefs without the influence of others.
However, in a group setting, such as a focus group, hearing the beliefs of others can significantly impact their own beliefs. This influence can range from being reminded of their own beliefs to adopting new perspectives.
Therefore, people's beliefs about animals are heavily influenced by those around them.
Speaker 1
When you're doing an individual interview with someone it's amazing the kind of amount of support that they can get to without anybody else there to remind them what they usually believe Or what the dominant narrative is right if you know if it's just you and me in a room and you're just kind of talking through your beliefs like you can get to some really radical places if You're in a room with like you know or other ordinary Americans and you're hearing one of them say like well it's my personal choice i can do whatever i want and then you that reminds you Oh yeah i really care about personal choice i i don't want anyone to to stop me from eating what i want to eat so the focus groups really kind of up the difficulty level in that way)
- Time 0:24:27
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(highlight:: Poor health is viewed as a personal issue rather than a systematic issue by the public
Health messages are definitely harder to kind of get to be in resonance with with a more systemic frame than climate and animal focus messages. People really think about it as a matter of your personal choice and your personal habits, she says. "If you're obese or something that they often think that that's kind of like your fault"
Speaker 1
Loaded and people can really think about health as something that's like as regardless of how many systemic factors affect our health people really think about it as a matter of your Personal choice and your personal habits and kind of if you're having um yeah if you're obese or something that they often think that that's kind of like your fault so the health messages Are definitely harder to kind of get to be in resonance with with a more systemic frame um where both climate and and animal focus messages seem to be a lot easier to frame in that way um Yeah we tried a lot of different health ones and nothing was particularly a promising of the things we tried not that there aren't or out there um health messages that can be really effective If we mentioned kind of like food deserts and like accessibility)
- Time 0:41:40


(highlight:: Making political asks instead of consumer asks in animal advocacy
The speaker believes that it is not useful for the animal advocacy movement to promote veganism as the main ask.
Instead, they argue that political asks are more effective in engaging the public. They emphasize the importance of framing asks in a way that conveys societal responsibilities rather than focusing on individual consumer choices.
Speaker 1
What's the view you hold that most animal advocates would disagree with yes yeah that's a great question um and i alluded to it earlier but i'll say it kind of more directly now i don't Think it is useful for the movement for our ask to be a go vegan i don't think that giving people information about yeah about veganism is is the way forward um my personal practice of veganism Is very important to me and i will never not practice it and when we're engaging with the public we have to have political asks we have to have asks that tell them that they're a member of A society and they have certain responsibilities in in that way not that they're a consumer who's supposed to shop better than other people)
- Time 0:58:04
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