Fundamentals of Data Engineering

!tags:: #lit✍/📚book/highlights
!ref:: Fundamentals of Data Engineering
!author:: Joe Reis and Matt Housley

Book cover of "Fundamentals of Data Engineering"



What This Book Isn’t

What This Book Is About

Who Should Read This Book


What You’ll Learn and How It Will Improve Your Abilities

Conventions Used in This Book

Foundation and Building Blocks

Data Engineering Described

What Is Data Engineering?

Data Engineering Defined

a data engineer gets data, stores it, and prepares it for consumption by data scientists, analysts, and others.
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Data engineering is the development, implementation, and maintenance of systems and processes that take in raw data and produce high-quality, consistent information that supports downstream use cases, such as analysis and machine learning. Data engineering is the intersection of security, data management, DataOps, data architecture, orchestration, and software engineering. A data engineer manages the data engineering lifecycle, beginning with getting data from source systems and ending with serving data for use cases, such as analysis or machine learning.
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- [note::I'd be fun to make a Venn diagram of data engineering]

The Data Engineering Lifecycle


Figure 1-1. The data engineering lifecycle
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Evolution of the Data Engineer

The term big data is essentially a relic to describe a particular time and approach to handling large amounts of data.
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big data processing has become so accessible that it no longer merits a separate term; every company aims to solve its data problems, regardless of actual data size. Big data engineers are now simply data engineers.
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Data engineering is increasingly a discipline of interoperation, and connecting various technologies like LEGO bricks, to serve ultimate business goals.
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Figure 1-3. Matt Turck’s Data Landscape in 2012 versus 2021
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As tools and workflows simplify, we’ve seen a noticeable shift in the attitudes of data engineers. Instead of focusing on who has the “biggest data,” open source projects and services are increasingly concerned with managing and governing data, making it easier to use and discover, and improving its quality.
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Data Engineering and Data Science

Figure 1-4. Data engineering sits upstream from data science
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Figure 1-5. The Data Science Hierarchy of Needs
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Rogati argues that companies need to build a solid data foundation (the bottom three levels of the hierarchy) before tackling areas such as AI and ML.
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- [note::Hierarchy = Data Science Hierarchy of Needs]


In an ideal world, data scientists should spend more than 90% of their time focused on the top layers of the pyramid: analytics, experimentation, and ML. When data engineers focus on these bottom parts of the hierarchy, they build a solid foundation for data scientists to succeed.
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Data Engineering Skills and Activities


a data engineer juggles a lot of complex moving parts and must constantly optimize along the axes of cost, agility, scalability, simplicity, reuse, and interoperability
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data engineers are now focused on balancing the simplest and most cost-effective, best-of-breed services that deliver value to the business.
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A data engineer typically does not directly build ML models, create reports or dashboards, perform data analysis, build key performance indicators (KPIs), or develop software applications. A data engineer should have a good functioning understanding of these areas to serve stakeholders best.
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Data Maturity and the Data Engineer

Data maturity is the progression toward higher data utilization, capabilities, and integration across the organization,
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data maturity does not simply depend on the age or revenue of a company. An early-stage startup can have greater data maturity than a 100-year-old company with annual revenues in the billions. What matters is the way data is leveraged as a competitive advantage.
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Stage 1: Starting with data
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A data engineer should focus on the following in organizations getting started with data: Get buy-in from key stakeholders, including executive management. Ideally, the data engineer should have a sponsor for critical initiatives to design and build a data architecture to support the company’s goals. Define the right data architecture (usually solo, since a data architect likely isn’t available). This means determining business goals and the competitive advantage you’re aiming to achieve with your data initiative. Work toward a data architecture that supports these goals. See Chapter 3 for our advice on “good” data architecture. Identify and audit data that will support key initiatives and operate within the data architecture you designed. Build a solid data foundation for future data analysts and data scientists to generate reports and models that provide competitive value. In the meantime, you may also have to generate these reports and models until this team is hired.
- Location 508


This is a delicate stage with lots of pitfalls. Here are some tips for this stage: Organizational willpower may wane if a lot of visible successes don’t occur with data. Getting quick wins will establish the importance of data within the organization. Just keep in mind that quick wins will likely create technical debt. Have a plan to reduce this debt, as it will otherwise add friction for future delivery. Get out and talk to people, and avoid working in silos. We often see the data team working in a bubble, not communicating with people outside their departments and getting perspectives and feedback from business stakeholders. The danger is you’ll spend a lot of time working on things of little use to people. Avoid undifferentiated heavy lifting. Don’t box yourself in with unnecessary technical complexity. Use off-the-shelf, turnkey solutions wherever possible. Build custom solutions and code only where this creates a competitive advantage.
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Stage 2: Scaling…
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In organizations that are in stage 2 of data maturity, a data engineer’s goals are to do the following: Establish formal data practices Create scalable and robust data architectures Adopt DevOps and DataOps practices Build systems that support ML Continue to avoid…
- Location 528


Issues to watch out for include the following: As we grow more sophisticated with data, there’s a temptation to adopt bleeding-edge technologies based on social proof from Silicon Valley companies. This is rarely a good use of your time and energy. Any technology decisions should be driven by the value they’ll deliver to your customers. The main bottleneck for scaling is not cluster nodes, storage, or technology but the data engineering team. Focus on solutions that are simple to deploy and manage to expand your team’s throughput. You’ll be tempted to frame yourself as a technologist, a data genius who can deliver magical products. Shift your focus instead to pragmatic leadership…
- Location 533


Stage 3: Leading…
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In organizations in stage 3 of data maturity, a data engineer will continue building on prior stages, plus they will do the following: Create automation for the seamless introduction and usage of new data Focus on building custom tools and systems that leverage data as a competitive advantage Focus on the “enterprisey” aspects of data, such as data management (including data governance and quality) and DataOps Deploy tools that expose and disseminate data throughout the organization, including data catalogs, data lineage tools, and metadata management systems Collaborate efficiently with software…
- Location 545


Issues to watch out for include the following: At this stage, complacency is a significant danger. Once organizations reach stage 3, they must constantly focus on maintenance and improvement or risk falling back to a lower stage. Technology distractions are a more significant danger here than in the other stages. There’s a temptation to pursue expensive hobby projects that don’t deliver…
- Location 552
- [note::"Utilize custom-built technology only where it provides a competitive advantage" is a reoccurring theme in each data maturity stage (1-3)]

The Background and Skills of a…

If you’re pivoting your career into data engineering, we’ve found that the transition is easiest when moving from an adjacent field, such as software engineering, ETL development, database administration, data science, or data analysis.
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By definition, a data engineer must understand both data and technology. With respect to data, this entails knowing about various best practices around data management. On the technology end, a data engineer must be aware of various options for tools, their interplay, and their trade-offs. This requires a good understanding of software engineering, DataOps, and data architecture.
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Zooming out, a data engineer must also understand the requirements of data consumers (data analysts and data scientists) and the broader implications of data across the organization. Data engineering is a holistic practice; the best data engineers view their responsibilities through business and technical lenses.
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Business Responsibilities

Know how to communicate with nontechnical and technical people.
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We suggest paying close attention to organizational hierarchies, who reports to whom, how people interact, and which silos exist. These observations will be invaluable to your success.
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Understand how to scope and gather business and product requirements.
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Many technologists mistakenly believe these practices are solved through technology. We feel this is dangerously wrong. Agile, DevOps, and DataOps are fundamentally cultural, requiring buy-in across the organization.
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Know how to optimize for time to value, the total cost of ownership, and opportunity cost. Learn to monitor costs to avoid surprises.
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success or failure is rarely a technology issue.
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- [note::Stakeholder communication is paramount]

Technical Responsibilities

data engineers now focus on high-level abstractions or writing pipelines as code within an orchestration framework.
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a data engineer who can’t write production-grade code will be severely hindered, and we don’t see this changing anytime soon.
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At the time of this writing, the primary languages of data engineering are SQL, Python, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) language (usually Java or Scala), and bash:
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Understanding Java or Scala will be beneficial if you’re using a popular open source data framework.
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Even today, data engineers frequently use command-line tools like awk or sed to process files in a data pipeline or call bash commands from orchestration frameworks. If you’re using Windows, feel free to substitute PowerShell for bash.
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Data engineers also do well to develop expertise in composing SQL with other operations, either within frameworks such as Spark and Flink or by using orchestration to combine multiple tools. Data engineers should also learn modern SQL semantics for dealing with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parsing and nested data and consider leveraging a SQL management framework such as dbt (Data Build Tool).
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Data engineers may also need to develop proficiency in secondary programming languages, including R, JavaScript, Go, Rust, C/C++, C#, and Julia. Developing in these languages is often necessary when popular across the company or used with domain-specific data tools. For instance, JavaScript has proven popular as a language for user-defined functions in cloud data warehouses. At the same time, C# and Pow⁠erShell are essential in companies that leverage Azure and the Microsoft ecosystem.
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The Continuum of Data Engineering Roles, from A to B

Data Engineers Inside an Organization

Internal-Facing Versus External-Facing Data Engineers
Data Engineers and Other Technical Roles

Figure 1-12. Key technical stakeholders of data engineering
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Upstream stakeholders
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Data architects design the blueprint for organizational data management, mapping out processes and overall data architecture and systems.11 They also serve as a bridge between an organization’s technical and nontechnical sides.
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Data architects implement policies for managing data across silos and business units, steer global strategies such as data management and data governance, and guide significant initiatives. Data architects often play a central role in cloud migrations and greenfield cloud design.
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Nevertheless, data architects will remain influential visionaries in enterprises, working hand in hand with data engineers to determine the big picture of architecture practices and data strategies.
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In well-run technical organizations, software engineers and data engineers coordinate from the inception of a new project to design application data for consumption by analytics and ML applications.
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A data engineer should work together with software engineers to understand the applications that generate data, the volume, frequency, and format of the generated data, and anything else that will impact the data engineering lifecycle, such as data security and regulatory compliance. For example, this might mean setting upstream expectations on what the data software engineers need to do their jobs.
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Downstream stakeholders
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If data engineers do their job and collaborate successfully, data scientists shouldn’t spend their time collecting, cleaning, and preparing data after initial exploratory work. Data engineers should automate this work as much as possible.
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Whereas data scientists are forward-looking, a data analyst typically focuses on the past or present.
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Data Engineers and Business Leadership

Data engineers often support data architects by acting as the glue between the business and data science/analytics.
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Data in the C-suite
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CIOs will work with engineers and architects to map out major initiatives and make strategic decisions on adopting major architectural elements, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, cloud migrations, data systems, and internal-facing IT.
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A CTO owns the key technological strategy and architectures for external-facing applications, such as mobile, web apps, and IoT—all critical data sources for data engineers.
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Data engineers and project managers
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These large initiatives often benefit from project management (in contrast to product management, discussed next). Whereas data engineers function in an infrastructure and service delivery capacity, project managers direct traffic and serve as gatekeepers.
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Data engineers and product managers
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Data engineers and other management roles
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For more information on data teams and how to structure them, we recommend John Thompson’s Building Analytics Teams (Packt) and Jesse Anderson’s Data Teams (Apress). Both books provide strong frameworks and perspectives on the roles of executives with data, who to hire, and how to construct the most effective data team for your company.
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Additional Resources


“Big Data Will Be Dead in Five Years” by Lewis Gavin
- Location 920


“Data as a Product vs. Data as a Service” by Justin Gage
- Location 923


“The Downfall of the Data Engineer” by Maxime Beauchemin
- Location 928


“How Creating a Data-Driven Culture Can Drive Success” by Frederik Bussler
- Location 931


The Information Management Body of Knowledge website
- Location 933


“Information Management Body of Knowledge” Wikipedia page
- Location 934


“Information Management” Wikipedia page
- Location 935


“On Complexity in Big Data” by Jesse Anderson (O’Reilly)
- Location 936


“Skills of the Data Architect” by Bob Lambert
- Location 941


“The Three Levels of Data Analysis: A Framework for Assessing Data Organization Maturity” by Emilie Schario
- Location 942


“What Is a Data Architect? IT’s Data Framework Visionary” by Thor Olavsrud
- Location 943

The Data Engineering Lifecycle

What Is the Data Engineering Lifecycle?


data engineering lifecycle comprises stages that turn raw data ingredients into a useful end product, ready for consumption by analysts, data scientists, ML engineers, and others.
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Figure 2-1. Components and undercurrents of the data engineering lifecycle
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The Data Lifecycle Versus the Data Engineering Lifecycle
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Generation: Source Systems

source system is the origin of the data used in the data engineering lifecycle. For example, a source system could be an IoT device, an application message queue, or a transactional database.
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Engineers also need to keep an open line of communication with source system owners on changes that could break pipelines and analytics.
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The following is a starting set of evaluation questions of source systems that data engineers must consider: What are the essential characteristics of the data source? Is it an application? A swarm of IoT devices? How is data persisted in the source system? Is data persisted long term, or is it temporary and quickly deleted? At what rate is data generated? How many events per second? How many gigabytes per hour? What level of consistency can data engineers expect from the output data? If you’re running data-quality checks against the output data, how often do data inconsistencies occur—nulls where they aren’t expected, lousy formatting, etc.? How often do errors occur? Will the data contain duplicates? Will some data values arrive late, possibly much later than other messages produced simultaneously? What is the schema of the ingested data? Will data engineers need to join across several tables or even several systems to get a complete picture of the data? If schema changes (say, a new column is added), how is this dealt with and communicated to downstream stakeholders? How frequently should data be pulled from the source system? For stateful systems (e.g., a database tracking customer account information), is data provided as periodic snapshots or update events from change data capture (CDC)? What’s the logic for how changes are performed, and how are these tracked in the source database? Who/what is the data provider that will transmit the data for downstream consumption? Will reading from a data source impact its performance? Does the source system have upstream data dependencies? What are the characteristics of these upstream systems? Are data-quality checks in place to check for late or missing data?
- Location 1049


A data engineer should know how the source generates data, including relevant quirks or nuances. Data engineers also need to understand the limits of the source systems they interact with.
- Location 1069


few data storage solutions function purely as storage, with many supporting complex transformation queries; even object storage solutions may support powerful query capabilities—e.g., Amazon S3 Select.
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Here are a few key engineering questions to ask when choosing a storage system for a data warehouse, data lakehouse, database, or object storage: Is this storage solution compatible with the architecture’s required write and read speeds? Will storage create a bottleneck for downstream processes? Do you understand how this storage technology works? Are you utilizing the storage system optimally or committing unnatural acts? For instance, are you applying a high rate of random access updates in an object storage system? (This is an antipattern with significant performance overhead.) Will this storage system handle anticipated future scale? You should consider all capacity limits on the storage system: total available storage, read operation rate, write volume, etc. Will downstream users and processes be able to retrieve data in the required service-level agreement (SLA)? Are you capturing metadata about schema evolution, data flows, data lineage, and so forth? Metadata has a significant impact on the utility of data. Metadata represents an investment in the future, dramatically enhancing discoverability and institutional knowledge to streamline future projects and architecture changes. Is this a pure storage solution (object storage), or does it support complex query patterns (i.e., a cloud data warehouse)? Is the storage system schema-agnostic (object storage)? Flexible schema (Cassandra)? Enforced schema (a cloud data warehouse)? How are you tracking master data, golden records data quality, and data lineage for data governance? (We have more to say on these in “Data Management”.) How are you handling regulatory compliance and data sovereignty? For example, can you store your data in certain geographical locations but not others?
- Location 1102


Understanding data access frequency
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Data access frequency will determine the temperature of your data. Data that is most frequently accessed is called hot data. Hot data is commonly retrieved many times per day, perhaps even several times per second—for example, in systems that serve user requests. This data should be stored for fast retrieval, where “fast” is relative to the use case. Lukewarm data might be accessed every so often—say, every week or month. Cold data is seldom queried and is appropriate for storing in an archival system. Cold data is often retained for compliance purposes or in case of a catastrophic failure in another system.
- Location 1123
- [note::Data Temperature = Frequency of Data Retrieval]


Selecting a storage system
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source systems and ingestion represent the most significant bottlenecks of the data engineering lifecycle.
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Key engineering considerations for the ingestion phase
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When preparing to architect or build a system, here are some primary questions about the ingestion stage: What are the use cases for the data I’m ingesting? Can I reuse this data rather than create multiple versions of the same dataset? Are the systems generating and ingesting this data reliably, and is the data available when I need it? What is the data destination after ingestion? How frequently will I need to access the data? In what volume will the data typically arrive? What format is the data in? Can my downstream storage and transformation systems handle this format? Is the source data in good shape for immediate downstream use? If so, for how long, and what may cause it to be unusable? If the data is from a streaming source, does it need to be transformed before reaching its destination? Would an in-flight transformation be appropriate, where the data is transformed within the stream itself?
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Batch versus streaming
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Virtually all data we deal with is inherently streaming. Data is nearly always produced and updated continually at its source.
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Batch ingestion is simply a specialized and convenient way of processing this stream in large chunks—for example, handling a full day’s worth of data in a single batch.
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Key considerations for batch versus stream ingestion
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The following are some questions to ask yourself when determining whether streaming ingestion is an appropriate choice over batch ingestion: If I ingest the data in real time, can downstream storage systems handle the rate of data flow? Do I need millisecond real-time data ingestion? Or would a micro-batch approach work, accumulating and ingesting data, say, every minute? What are my use cases for streaming ingestion? What specific benefits do I realize by implementing streaming? If I get data in real time, what actions can I take on that data that would be an improvement upon batch? Will my streaming-first approach cost more in terms of time, money, maintenance, downtime, and opportunity cost than simply doing batch? Are my streaming pipeline and system reliable and redundant if infrastructure fails? What tools are most appropriate for the use case? Should I use a managed service (Amazon Kinesis, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Google Cloud Dataflow) or stand up my own instances of Kafka, Flink, Spark, Pulsar, etc.? If I do the latter, who will manage it? What are the costs and trade-offs? If I’m deploying an ML model, what benefits do I have with online predictions and possibly continuous training? Am I getting data from a live production instance? If so, what’s the impact of my ingestion process on this source system?
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Push versus pull
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In the push model of data ingestion, a source system writes data out to a target, whether a database, object store, or filesystem. In the pull model, data is retrieved from the source system.
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continuous CDC,
- Location 1213
- [note::What does this stand for?]


Immediately after ingestion, basic transformations map data into correct types (changing ingested string data into numeric and date types, for example), putting records into standard formats, and removing bad ones. Later stages of transformation may transform the data schema and apply normalization. Downstream, we can apply large-scale aggregation for reporting or featurize data for ML processes.
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Key considerations for the transformation phase
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When considering data transformations within the data engineering lifecycle, it helps to consider the following: What’s the cost and return on investment (ROI) of the transformation? What is the associated business value? Is the transformation as simple and self-isolated as possible? What business rules do the transformations support?
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Serving Data



Figure 2-5. Types of analytics
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Machine learning
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The following are some considerations for the serving data phase specific to ML: Is the data of sufficient quality to perform reliable feature engineering? Quality requirements and assessments are developed in close collaboration with teams consuming the data. Is the data discoverable? Can data scientists and ML engineers easily find valuable data? Where are the technical and organizational boundaries between data engineering and ML engineering? This organizational question has significant architectural implications. Does the dataset properly represent ground truth? Is it unfairly biased?
- Location 1340

Reverse ETL

Major Undercurrents Across the Data Engineering Lifecycle


Figure 2-7. The major undercurrents of data engineering
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The principle of least privilege means giving a user or system access to only the essential data and resources to perform an intended function. A common antipattern we see with data engineers with little security experience is to give admin access to all users. This is a catastrophe waiting to happen!
- Location 1386

Data Management

The Data Management Association International (DAMA) Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK), which we consider to be the definitive book for enterprise data management, offers this definition: Data management is the development, execution, and supervision of plans, policies, programs, and practices that deliver, control, protect, and enhance the value of data and information assets throughout their lifecycle.
- Location 1410


data governance engages people, processes, and technologies to maximize data value across an organization while protecting data with appropriate security controls.
- Location 1438


The core categories of data governance are discoverability, security, and accountability.2 Within these core categories are subcategories, such as data quality, metadata, and privacy.
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In a data-driven company, data must be available and discoverable. End users should have quick and reliable access to the data they need to do their jobs. They should know where the data comes from, how it relates to other data, and what the data means.
- Location 1453


We divide metadata into two major categories: autogenerated and human generated. Modern data engineering revolves around automation, but metadata collection is often manual and error prone.
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Metadata tools are only as good as their connectors to data systems and their ability to share metadata.
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Documentation and internal wiki tools provide a key foundation for metadata management, but these tools should also integrate with automated data cataloging. For example, data-scanning tools can generate wiki pages with links to relevant data objects.
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DMBOK identifies four main categories of metadata that are useful to data engineers: Business metadata Technical metadata Operational metadata Reference metadata
- Location 1481


Business metadata relates to the way data is used in the business, including business and data definitions, data rules and logic, how and where data is used, and the data owner(s). A data engineer uses business metadata to answer nontechnical questions about who, what, where, and how. For example, a data engineer may be tasked with creating a data pipeline for customer sales analysis. But what is a customer? Is it someone who’s purchased in the last 90 days? Or someone who’s purchased at any time the business has been open? A data…
- Location 1484


Technical metadata describes the data created and used by systems across the data engineering lifecycle. It includes the data model and schema, data lineage, field mappings, and pipeline workflows. A data engineer uses technical metadata to create, connect, and monitor various systems across the data engineering lifecycle. Here are some common types of technical metadata that a data…
- Location 1491


Pipeline metadata captured in orchestration systems provides details of the workflow schedule, system and data dependencies, configurations…
- Location 1497


Data-lineage metadata tracks the origin and changes to data, and its dependencies, over time. As data flows through the data engineering lifecycle, it evolves through transformations and combinations with other data. Data lineage provides an audit trail of…
- Location 1500


Schema metadata describes the structure of data stored in a system such as a database, a data warehouse, a…
- Location 1503


Operational metadata describes the operational results of various systems and includes statistics about processes, job IDs, application runtime logs, data used in a process, and error logs. A data engineer uses operational metadata to determine whether a…
- Location 1508


Reference metadata is data used to classify other data. This is also referred to as lookup data. Standard examples of reference data are internal codes, geographic codes, units of measurement, and internal calendar standards. Note that much of reference data is fully managed internally, but items such as geographic codes might come from standard external references. Reference data is…
- Location 1514


Data accountability means assigning an individual to govern a portion of data. The responsible person then coordinates the governance…
- Location 1522


Data quality is the optimization of data toward the desired state and orbits the question, “What do you get compared with what you expect?” Data should conform to the expectations in the business metadata. Does the data match the definition agreed upon by the business?
- Location 1535


According to Data Governance: The Definitive Guide, data quality is defined by three main characteristics:4 Accuracy Is the collected data factually correct? Are there duplicate values? Are the numeric values accurate? Completeness Are the records complete? Do all required fields contain valid values? Timeliness Are records available in a timely fashion?
- Location 1542


Master data is data about business entities such as employees, customers, products, and locations.
- Location 1560
- [note::Do people in the field have qualms about the use of "master" in this term?]


Master data management (MDM) is the practice of building consistent entity definitions known as golden records. Golden records harmonize entity data across an organization and with its partners.
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Data modeling and design
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Whereas we traditionally think of data modeling as a problem for database administrators (DBAs) and ETL developers, data modeling can happen almost anywhere in an organization.
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Data engineers need to understand modeling best practices as well as develop the flexibility to apply the appropriate level and type of modeling to the data source and use case.
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Data lineage
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Data lineage describes the recording of an audit trail of data through its lifecycle, tracking both the systems that process the data and the upstream data it depends on.
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We also note that Andy Petrella’s concept of Data Observability Driven Development (DODD) is closely related to data lineage. DODD observes data all along its lineage. This process is applied during development, testing, and finally production to deliver quality and conformity to expectations.
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Data integration and interoperability
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Data integration and interoperability is the process of integrating data across tools and processes. As we move away from a single-stack
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Increasingly, integration happens through general-purpose APIs rather than custom database connections. For example, a data pipeline might pull data from the Salesforce API, store it to Amazon S3, call the Snowflake API to load it into a table, call the API again to run a query, and then export the results to S3 where Spark can consume them.
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Data lifecycle management
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This means we have pay-as-you-go storage costs instead of large up-front capital expenditures for an on-premises data lake. When every byte shows up on a monthly AWS statement, CFOs see opportunities for savings.
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Ethics and privacy
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Data used to live in the Wild West, freely collected and traded like baseball cards. Those days are long gone. Whereas data’s ethical and privacy implications were once considered nice to have, like security, they’re now central to the general data lifecycle. Data engineers need to do the right thing when no one else is watching, because everyone will be watching someday.
- Location 1643


Ensure that your data assets are compliant with a growing number of data regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Please take this seriously. We offer tips throughout the book to ensure that you’re baking ethics and privacy into the data engineering lifecycle.
- Location 1649


DataOps maps the best practices of Agile methodology, DevOps, and statistical process control (SPC) to data. Whereas DevOps aims to improve the release and quality of software products, DataOps does the same thing for data products.
- Location 1653


Like DevOps, DataOps borrows much from lean manufacturing and supply chain management, mixing people, processes, and technology to reduce time to value. As Data Kitchen (experts in DataOps) describes it:7 DataOps is a collection of technical practices, workflows, cultural norms, and architectural patterns that enable: Rapid innovation and experimentation delivering new insights to customers with increasing velocity Extremely high data quality and very low error rates Collaboration across complex arrays of people, technology, and environments Clear measurement, monitoring, and transparency of results
- Location 1660


Observability and monitoring
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As we tell our clients, “Data is a silent killer.” We’ve seen countless examples of bad data lingering in reports for months or years. Executives may make key decisions from this bad data, discovering the error only much later. The outcomes are usually bad and sometimes catastrophic for the business. Initiatives are undermined and destroyed, years of work wasted. In some of the worst cases, bad data may lead companies to financial ruin.
- Location 1713


Observability, monitoring, logging, alerting, and tracing are all critical to getting ahead of any problems along the data engineering lifecycle. We recommend you incorporate SPC to understand whether events being monitored are out of line and which incidents are worth responding to.
- Location 1723


The purpose of DODD is to give everyone involved in the data chain visibility into the data and data applications so that everyone involved in the data value chain has the ability to identify changes to the data or data applications at every step—from ingestion to transformation to analysis—to help troubleshoot or prevent data issues. DODD focuses on making data observability a first-class consideration in the data engineering lifecycle.
- Location 1731


Incident response
- Location 1736
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Trust takes a long time to build and can be lost in minutes. Incident response is as much about retroactively responding to incidents as proactively addressing them before they happen.
- Location 1748


DataOps summary
- Location 1750
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Data Architecture

Orchestration is the process of coordinating many jobs to run as quickly and efficiently as possible on a scheduled cadence.
- Location 1782
- blue,


While many other interesting open source orchestration projects exist, such as Luigi and Conductor, Airflow is arguably the mindshare leader for the time being.
- Location 1802

Software Engineering

Core data processing code
- Location 1821
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Whether in ingestion, transformation, or data serving, data engineers need to be highly proficient and productive in frameworks and languages such as Spark, SQL, or Beam;
- Location 1823


It’s also imperative that a data engineer understand proper code-testing methodologies, such as unit, regression, integration, end-to-end, and smoke.
- Location 1825


Development of open source frameworks
- Location 1827
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- Location 1840
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Infrastructure as code
- Location 1851
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Pipelines as code
- Location 1862
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General-purpose problem solving
- Location 1870
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In practice, regardless of which high-level tools they adopt, data engineers will run into corner cases throughout the data engineering lifecycle that require them to solve problems outside the boundaries of their chosen tools and to write custom code. When using frameworks like Fivetran, Airbyte, or Matillion, data engineers will encounter data sources without existing connectors and need to write something custom. They should be proficient in software engineering to understand APIs, pull and transform data, handle exceptions, and so forth.
- Location 1871



A data engineer has several top-level goals across the data lifecycle: produce optimum ROI and reduce costs (financial and opportunity), reduce risk (security, data quality), and maximize data value and utility.
- Location 1886

Additional Resources


“Democratizing Data at Airbnb” by Chris Williams et al.
- Location 1898


“Five Steps to Begin Collecting the Value of Your Data” Lean-Data web page
- Location 1899


“Getting Started with DevOps Automation” by Jared Murrell
- Location 1900


“Staying Ahead of Debt” by Etai Mizrahi
- Location 1907


“What Is Metadata” by Michelle Knight
- Location 1908


3 Chris Williams et al., “Democratizing Data at Airbnb,” The Airbnb Tech Blog, May 12, 2017,
- Location 1913


ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one is watching,
- Location 1921


“What Is DataOps,” DataKitchen FAQ page, accessed May 5, 2022,
- Location 1923

Designing Good Data Architecture

What Is Data Architecture?

Enterprise Architecture Defined

Figure 3-1. Data architecture is a subset of enterprise architecture
- Location 1952


TOGAF is The Open Group Architecture Framework, a standard of The Open Group. It’s touted as the most widely used architecture framework today.
- Location 1962


Gartner is a global research and advisory company that produces research articles and reports on trends related to enterprises. Among other things, it is responsible for the (in)famous Gartner Hype Cycle.
- Location 1971

Data Architecture Defined
“Good” Data Architecture

Principles of Good Data Architecture

Principle 1: Choose Common Components Wisely
Principle 2: Plan for Failure
Principle 3: Architect for Scalability
Principle 4: Architecture Is Leadership
Principle 5: Always Be Architecting
Principle 6: Build Loosely Coupled Systems
Principle 7: Make Reversible Decisions
Principle 8: Prioritize Security
Principle 9: Embrace FinOps

Major Architecture Concepts

Domains and Services
Distributed Systems, Scalability, and Designing for Failure
Tight Versus Loose Coupling: Tiers, Monoliths, and Microservices
User Access: Single Versus Multitenant
Event-Driven Architecture
Brownfield Versus Greenfield Projects

Examples and Types of Data Architecture

Data Warehouse
Data Lake
Convergence, Next-Generation Data Lakes, and the Data Platform
Modern Data Stack
Lambda Architecture
Kappa Architecture
The Dataflow Model and Unified Batch and Streaming
Architecture for IoT
Data Mesh
Other Data Architecture Examples

Who’s Involved with Designing a Data Architecture?

Additional Resources

Choosing Technologies Across the Data Engineering Lifecycle

Team Size and Capabilities

Speed to Market

Cost Optimization and Business Value

Total Cost of Ownership
Total Opportunity Cost of Ownership

Today Versus the Future: Immutable Versus Transitory Technologies

Our Advice
On Premises
Hybrid Cloud
Decentralized: Blockchain and the Edge
Our Advice
Cloud Repatriation Arguments

Build Versus Buy

Open Source Software
Proprietary Walled Gardens
Our Advice

Monolith Versus Modular

The Distributed Monolith Pattern
Our Advice

Serverless Versus Servers

How to Evaluate Server Versus Serverless
Our Advice

Optimization, Performance, and the Benchmark Wars

Big Data...for the 1990s
Nonsensical Cost Comparisons
Asymmetric Optimization
Caveat Emptor

Undercurrents and Their Impacts on Choosing Technologies

Data Management
Data Architecture
Orchestration Example: Airflow
Software Engineering

Additional Resources

The Data Engineering Lifecycle in Depth

Data Generation in Source Systems

Sources of Data: How Is Data Created?

Source Systems: Main Ideas

Files and Unstructured Data
Application Databases (OLTP Systems)
Online Analytical Processing System
Change Data Capture
Database Logs
Messages and Streams
Types of Time

Source System Practical Details

Data Sharing
Third-Party Data Sources
Message Queues and Event-Streaming Platforms

Whom You’ll Work With

Undercurrents and Their Impact on Source Systems

Data Management
Data Architecture
Software Engineering

Additional Resources

Raw Ingredients of Data Storage

Magnetic Disk Drive
Solid-State Drive
Random Access Memory
Networking and CPU

Data Storage Systems

Single Machine Versus Distributed Storage
Eventual Versus Strong Consistency
File Storage
Block Storage
Object Storage
Cache and Memory-Based Storage Systems
The Hadoop Distributed File System
Streaming Storage
Indexes, Partitioning, and Clustering

Data Engineering Storage Abstractions

The Data Warehouse
The Data Lake
The Data Lakehouse
Data Platforms
Stream-to-Batch Storage Architecture
Data Catalog
Data Sharing
Separation of Compute from Storage
Data Storage Lifecycle and Data Retention
Single-Tenant Versus Multitenant Storage

Whom You’ll Work With





What Is Data Ingestion?

Key Engineering Considerations for the Ingestion Phase

Bounded Versus Unbounded Data
Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Ingestion
Serialization and Deserialization
Throughput and Scalability
Reliability and Durability
Push Versus Pull Versus Poll Patterns

Batch Ingestion Considerations
- Location 6253

Snapshot or Differential Extraction
File-Based Export and Ingestion
ETL Versus ELT
Inserts, Updates, and Batch Size
Data Migration

Message and Stream Ingestion Considerations

Schema Evolution
Late-Arriving Data
Ordering and Multiple Delivery
Time to Live
Message Size
Error Handling and Dead-Letter Queues
Consumer Pull and Push

Ways to Ingest Data

Direct Database Connection
Change Data Capture
Message Queues and Event-Streaming Platforms
Managed Data Connectors
Moving Data with Object Storage
Databases and File Export
Practical Issues with Common File Formats

- Location 6607

Web Interface
Web Scraping
Transfer Appliances for Data Migration
Data Sharing

Whom You’ll Work With

Upstream Stakeholders
Downstream Stakeholders


Data Management
Software Engineering


Additional Resources

Queries, Modeling, and Transformation


What Is a Query?
The Life of a Query
The Query Optimizer
Improving Query Performance
Queries on Streaming Data

Data Modeling

What Is a Data Model?
Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models
Techniques for Modeling Batch Analytical Data
Modeling Streaming Data


Batch Transformations
Materialized Views, Federation, and Query Virtualization
Streaming Transformations and Processing

Whom You’ll Work With

Upstream Stakeholders
Downstream Stakeholders


Data Management
Data Architecture
Software Engineering


Additional Resources

Serving Data for Analytics, Machine Learning, and Reverse ETL

General Considerations for Serving Data

What’s the Use Case, and Who’s the User?
Data Products
Self-Service or Not?
Data Definitions and Logic
Data Mesh


Business Analytics
Operational Analytics
Embedded Analytics

Machine Learning

What a Data Engineer Should Know About ML

Ways to Serve Data for Analytics and ML

File Exchange
Streaming Systems
Query Federation
Data Sharing
Semantic and Metrics Layers
Serving Data in Notebooks

Reverse ETL

Whom You’ll Work With


Data Management
Data Architecture
Software Engineering


Additional Resources

Security, Privacy, and the Future of Data Engineering

Security and Privacy

The Power of Negative Thinking
Always Be Paranoid


Security Theater Versus Security Habit
Active Security
Shared Responsibility in the Cloud
Always Back Up Your Data
An Example Security Policy


Patch and Update Systems
Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting
Network Access
Security for Low-Level Data Engineering


Additional Resources

The Future of Data Engineering

The Data Engineering Lifecycle Isn’t Going Away

The Decline of Complexity and the Rise of Easy-to-Use Data Tools

The Cloud-Scale Data OS and Improved Interoperability

“Enterprisey” Data Engineering

Titles and Responsibilities Will Morph...

Moving Beyond the Modern Data Stack, Toward the Live Data Stack

The Live Data Stack
Streaming Pipelines and Real-Time Analytical Databases
The Fusion of Data with Applications
The Tight Feedback Between Applications and ML
Dark Matter Data and the Rise of...Spreadsheets?!


Serialization and Compression Technical Details

Serialization Formats

Row-Based Serialization
Columnar Serialization
Hybrid Serialization

Database Storage Engines

Compression: gzip, bzip2, Snappy, Etc.

Cloud Networking

Cloud Network Topology

Data Egress Charges
Availability Zones
GCP-Specific Networking and Multiregional Redundancy
Direct Network Connections to the Clouds

The Future of Data Egress Fees


About the Authors
- Location 11858


Joe Reis is a business-minded data nerd who’s worked in the data industry for 20 years, with responsibilities ranging from statistical modeling, forecasting, machine learning, data engineering, data architecture, and almost everything else in between. Joe is the CEO and cofounder of Ternary Data, a data engineering and architecture consulting firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah. In addition, he volunteers with several technology groups and teaches at the University of Utah.
- Location 11859


Matt Housley is a data engineering consultant and cloud specialist. After some early programming experience with Logo, Basic, and 6502 assembly, he completed a PhD in mathematics at the University of Utah. Matt then began working in data science, eventually specializing in cloud-based data engineering. He cofounded Ternary Data with Joe Reis, where he leverages his teaching experience to train future data engineers and advise teams on robust data architecture. Matt and Joe also pontificate on all things data on The Monday Morning Data Chat.
- Location 11863