Publishing your work increases your luck

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: 2building-a-reputation, 2content-creation, 2developer-resources, 2luck-in-publishing, 2opportunities-for-success, 2overcoming-fear, 2personal-development, 2sharing-your-work, tagged-by-ghostreader-ai,
!ref:: Publishing your work increases your luck
!author:: Aaron Francis

Book cover of "Publishing your work increases your luck"




(highlight:: "The amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your Luck Surface Area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you’re passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated*."*
Going further, he codifies it into a formula where:
The more things you do multiplied by the more people you tell, the larger your Luck Surface Area becomes. The larger your Luck Surface Area, the more likely you are to catch luck as it flows by.
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When a person is truly interested in the thing they’re writing or talking about, their excitement is contagious. Whatever you’re excited about, be excited about it publicly. Whatever you’re curious about, be curious about it publicly. People will want to follow along and you’ll inspire people along the way.
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(highlight:: Most of us really enjoy the building aspect but start to get a little shy when it comes to telling people about the stuff we’ve built. That could be for any number of reasons: fear, embarrassment, self-preservation, or an aversion to being perceived as hawking your wares.
It’s a valuable exercise to investigate whether or not you resonate with any of those reasons. Are you afraid people are going to make fun of what you built? Are you embarrassed that it isn’t up to your own (admittedly high) standards? Are you waiting for some elusive perfect moment? Do you have an aversion to “marketing” and don’t want to become the thing you hate? Whatever it is for you, I encourage you to really dig into it and see if that fear is worth keeping around.)
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- [note::Reminds me of the book "Creative Disregulation" - I'd like to make a post about my takeaways from that book on social media]