🌀 How to Win in the New Economy

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: 2adaptive-economy, 2career-adaptation, 2community-building, 2expert-generalists, 2future-of-work, 2how-to-win-in-the-new-economy, 2interdisciplinary-careers, 2learning-and-education, 2micro-learning, 2skills-development, tagged-by-ghostreader-ai,
!ref:: 🌀 How to Win in the New Economy
!author:: Generalist World


Book cover of "🌀 How to Win in the New Economy"





(highlight:: 1. The Industrial Economy
You win when you fit into the system)
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(highlight:: 2. The Knowledge Economy
The more you know, the more you win)
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(highlight:: 3. The Adaptive Economy
Those who learn fast, adapt, and apply expertise across domains, win.)
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(highlight:: The most important levers over the next 20 years will be:
Tools—those who effectively & efficiently use technology as a tool for better work and life outcomes
Network—those who build strong, deep networks will be more resilient and have access to more opportunities. Verticalised, curated career communities will become as mainstream as belonging to a gym. Communities like Generalist World, the Community Collective, and Lenny’s Newsletter, become the trusted home for navigating careers.
Distribution—it’s never been easier to distribute & access information. The people who win in this economy will not be those with the widest distribution eg: giant influencers (because the barrier to entry is so low), but those who have the most trusted distribution.)
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I think we’ll also see a sharp rise in micro-learning; shorter & more intense periods of education. The metric of an education programme’s success won’t be the length of time you study, but the speed at which you become commercially competent.
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Spiky careers are made up of intentional peaks of depth followed by slopes of application. Rather than climbing a linear career ladder with a single destination, spiky careerists spend periods (can be many years!) sharpening their depth of knowledge in a domain, discipline or role (aka: learning the thing), followed by a period of meaningful application (eg: doing the work). If this career were a shape, it might be MWMW.
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