What Would a Map of Your Career Look Like?

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: 2career-mapping, 2indie-consulting, 2personal-development, 2visualization, career development, career trajectory, professional branding, tagged-by-ghostreader-ai,
!ref:: What Would a Map of Your Career Look Like?
!author:: tomcritchlow.com


Book cover of "What Would a Map of Your Career Look Like?"




(highlight:: Elena Verna posted this great career map:

Read more about it and grab the Miro template to make your own here: https://elenaverna.substack.com/p/a-new-way-to-visualize-a-career-journey)
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(highlight:: Michael Sklar posted this great career map complete with paths NOT taken and pregnant with some great “maybes” for future possibilities:
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(highlight:: Will writes one of my favorite management blogs and posted this piece a while back exploring the idea of a forty-year career:
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