Type 2 Growth

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: 2betterment, 2climate-change, 2degrowth, 2environmentalism, 2evolution, 2industrialization, 2scientific-method, 2sustainability, 2technology, 2type-2-growth, tagged-by-ghostreader-ai,
!ref:: Type 2 Growth
!author:: Kevin Kelly


Book cover of "Type 2 Growth"




We seek the same shift in the technium. Standard economic growth aims to get consumers to drink more wine. Type 2 growth aims to get them to not drink more wine, but better wine.
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After a peak population around 2070, the total human population on this planet will start to diminish each year. So far, nothing we have tried has reversed this decline locally. Individual countries can mask this global decline by stealing residents from each other via immigration, but the global total matters for our global economy. This means that it is imperative that we figure out how to shift more of our type 1 growth to type 2 growth, because we won’t be able to keep expanding the usual “more.” We will have to perfect a system that can keep improving and getting better with fewer customers each year, smaller markets and audiences, and fewer workers. That is a huge shift from the past few centuries where every year there has been more of everything.
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