What Weird Thing Should I Hear You Out On?

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: What Weird Thing Should I Hear You Out On?
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "What Weird Thing Should I Hear You Out On?"




(highlight:: The feeling of time zooming by after college/young adulthood is not inevitable. You can slow time down a great deal by injecting variety into your days. I gradually figured out how to do this after a mid-20s existential crisis.
Most impactful thing is just to spend as little time at home as possible (within reason). The more different places you hang out in a day, the longer the day will feel. When I want to go out to eat I'll either eat in the restaurant or get takeout and eat in a park somewhere, instead of bringing takeout home or getting delivery. Many activities can be done outside my home, like anything laptop-related can be done at a cafe or the library. Reading books can be done anywhere nature-y (or at a non-crowded restaurant). I'm walking around a random residential neighborhood as I type this.
As for routine errands, spreading those around my metropolitan area also helps with making time feel less blurry. I'll try out a new laundromat, oil change place, bike shop, etc. instead of always going to the one nearest me.)
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