Accepting Death as Part of Simple Living

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!ref:: Accepting Death as Part of Simple Living

Book cover of "Accepting Death as Part of Simple Living"




I have so much to say about this. I just battled cancer but still have a shitty diagnosis. 90% of people with my type of cancer die within 5 years. I am 34. I spent a loooot of time thinking about death. And honestly I think every one should spent time to really understand, that in fact they and everyone will die. And we could die whenever. Aging is a privilege. So many (actual things, career, etc. lost their meaning.
I am Buddhist so I often mention Buddhist content here. I am apologize if it’s not your thing but I think many teachings just vibe with the simple living life style. There is a Buddhist monk who devoted his life to talking about death. He wrote a book that is freely accessible as a pdf (no weird sign up or anything). It’s called “living is dying” and I recommend it.)
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