Beginners Guide to a Plant Based Diet/Lifestyle?

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!ref:: Beginners Guide to a Plant Based Diet/Lifestyle?

Book cover of "Beginners Guide to a Plant Based Diet/Lifestyle?"




(highlight:: One thing that comes up a lot on these kinds of subreddits is decision fatigue and/or not knowing how to design/plan a meal in a way that is nutritionally balanced.
I've found it useful to have a simple formula for our meals and to find recipes that incorporate those ingredients (in whatever combination).
1 type of bean/legume
1 type of leafy green
1 type of other vegetable (could be something starchy like potato or lighter like squashes or carrots)
(optional) grains (either one type or a mixture if possible)
One easy thing we like to do is find a bean/legume recipe and just stir-fry the veggies (and add salt, if not salt-free, and shredded coconut). An alternative is finding something like a soup or stew (the problem is that those tend to be extremely filling while not having too many calories which can be a challenge if you're not trying to lose weight). So for example, we might make bean or lentil tofu or a black bean dip or lentil pâté to have with bread/toast. But the basic idea is to look for recipes rather than meal plans.)
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Another thing I'll say is plan around this meal formula when buying groceries too. Since we eat leftovers from the previous dinner for lunch, we plan around 2 servings per person (so 4 servings total) for each veggie. So we might get 3 lbs of carrots (8 servings), 3 lbs of potatoes (8 servings), 3 lbs of sweet potatoes (8 servings), and 4 bell peppers (4 servings), which gets us to 28 servings of other veggies. Then we might pick up 2 bunches of spinach, 2 bunches of lacinato kale, 2 bunches of red curly kale, 2 bunches of green curly kale, 2 bunches of collards, 2 bunches of chard, and 4 bunches of baby bok choy (4 servings each), to get us to 28 servings of greens. Oh, and 16 oz of mushrooms. We'll always have beans in stock (or replenish whatever's depleted). Also, this accounts for two meals of lentil pasta (the bell peppers and 10 oz of the mushrooms will go into the pasta, and the remaining mushrooms and bok choy get used in this stir-fry) — otherwise we might get different veggies.
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