I’m So Disappointed and Angry.

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: I’m So Disappointed and Angry.
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "I’m So Disappointed and Angry."




(highlight:: In a world where the cost of living keeps going up while minimum wage doesn’t even come close to being able to cover even rent.
A society where there are already too many children in the system and foster care is already iffy and a nightmare for children that have to live it.
There’s a housing crisis, homelessness crisis and our world is recovering from a pandemic.
We have a rising epidemic of school shootings and are facing a formula shortage.
So instead of touching even one of those issues, the US government and Supreme Court decide to strip women of body autonomy and create a “forced birth” climate.
I just can’t. I’m so sorry this is happening in the United States.)
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