Deleted by User

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: [Deleted by User|Deleted by User]

Book cover of "[Deleted by User]"




Well, fact of the matter is, people feel replaced easily by toys that resemble their genitals, but "better" (whatever "better" may be. Nor is this a male issue - women's attitudes to their partners owning pocket pussies tend to be even more overwhelmingly negative. "Am I not enough?" is not a gendered insecurity.
That's why vibrators and cock rings get so much less flak. They serve a function that isn't a direct "threat" to a partner's sexual value.
In the end, none of the opinions of other men are going to help you or make your and his respective viewpoints any more or any less valid. You two have to navigate this issue together as the two of you, and the only way to do so is through mutual communication with a wide-open emotional ear from both parties.)
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