Women and Sex in Long-Term Relationships

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Women and Sex in Long-Term Relationships
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "Women and Sex in Long-Term Relationships"




It's easy to prioritize your kid over your relationship. I know many might disagree, but your relationship is priority number 1. the kids are the product of that relationship. That relationship breaks down, it effects everyone involved. Got to find a way to shift out of daddy mode and mommy mode and remember yall still each others best friends and lovers, boyfriend and girlfriend. It's really easy to get sucked into yourself, dealing with everything and forgetting your partner.
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I remember asking my mom once why her and daddy were going out without us and she said "because I want to spend time with my husband, not your father". I remember being so confused but now I understand.
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