What Helps You Stay?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: What Helps You Stay?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "What Helps You Stay?"




(highlight:: Great post ❤️ I love my husband dearly despite the ongoing challenges.Things have actually been going really well for us lately but there’s so much backlogged resentment from the past that when something negative happens, all that old hurt and frustration spews out too. Plus the things that have always been issues that never seem to get addressed and fixed…the burdens I carry to keep our lives running are sometimes overwhelming and exhausting.
So what keeps me here with him is that he’s one of the funniest, smartest, coolest, bravest people I know. We’ve been together since we were young teenagers, so we’ve grown up together. Evolved thru so many phases and stages together, 26 years now. He has always been protective and patient with me, no matter what I go thru with my health, my jobs, my kids, I would put my life in his hands without hesitation.
He adores me, and even though he may not express it in traditional ways, he always shows me he sees and supports my passions and interests in a million small ways every day. Things like sending me articles on obscure plants or pictures of cute animals randomly. Bringing home unusual little treasures he found at a thrift store that he knows Id love. Picking up extra when he finds my favorite treats or foods on sale. Bringing me flowers he stopped to pick from the side of the road. Stopping whatever he’s doing to hug me or singing me a song to make me laugh.
I’m naturally an introverted misanthrope, and his unwavering positivity is a wonderful counterbalance to my nihilism lol He never gives up on me, and I will never give up on him.
His breath catches when he holds me and he makes me weak in the knees with a look. He’s an amazing and attentive lover, and we have incredible sex when I’m not too mad at him to let go and have it.
He has never judged me for anything. He supports my parenting, and tries to follow my lead even though he was raised to do things much differently.
He’s a trendsetter, always picking up quirky styles or bands or art way before everyone else catches on.
He’s handsome, even more now with silver in his hair and the smile lines he’s always had making their way deeper around his ocean colored eyes.
He has a beautiful voice and big gentle hands, and he’s a talented woodcarver and handy as hell. He has an engineer brain and if 100% the man you want leading your squad in the zombie apocalypse. He’s fearless and never gives a single fuck what anyone thinks of him. He’s blunt and sometimes that’s called for. Where I’m timid he is strong.
We made beautiful, amazing kids together and he’s so proud of them and works his ass off at a job he loathes, cheerfully, to take care of them and of me. He supports their interests, too, and their quirks, never criticizing.
I trust him on the deepest level someone can trust another person. (Not so much when it comes to adulting tasks lol but hey it is what it is) I would put my life in his hands without hesitation.
I love him. And I can’t imagine life without him in it.
The good far outweighs the bad.
We will continue to work thru the tough shit, and hopefully it will continue to improve.
So yea, that’s why I stay.)
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