What Do You Think Is Wrong With Grass Is Greener Syndrome?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: What Do You Think Is Wrong With Grass Is Greener Syndrome?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "What Do You Think Is Wrong With Grass Is Greener Syndrome?"




(highlight:: The problem with it is that people think they deserve the best.
They're wrong.
This isn't something that only applies to dating, either. We've become a society obsessed with novelty and excitement and constant stimulation. More than the human brain was ever designed to handle.
And because of that, we always want something new and shiny instead of what we have. The new iPhone, the new console, a new car, and our consumer culture necessitates that we discard the old thing to embrace the new.
This applies in relationships, too. We want the perfect partner, and not onkt don't acknowledge that we're imperfect (barring a few moments of clarity when we make a mistake), but nobody is.
Part of the point of getting into an LTR young is having someone you trust and love to pick up on aspects of ourselves that need improvement, and encourage us to become our best selves. This can be done by correction, or covering the slack (though we tend to lean heavily towards correction now. Because equality.)
This is easy to do in your 20s. The younger you are, the easier it is to find that perfect mate because we're all young and inexperienced and still ready to learn. Speaking from a very broad stance, most 20 year olds are more similar than different.
As we age, and gain more experience, we get pushed towards certain patterns. We slowly become more different than each other due to our life experiences. Most 30 year olds are more different than similar.
Back to dating young, this allows you to grow together. "Richer or poorer, sickness or health, as long as you both shall live" is exactly that. You work together no matter how hard life gets, and it strengthens your bond.
In your 30s, you're already established. You don't grow WITH someone, you grow BESIDE them.
The longer you wait to settle down, the less likely you are to find that perfect someone because you've become too unique and independent.
And this is all under the assumption of the size of the dating market at 40 being the same as it was at 20 (it's not), and not accounting for things like men taking themselves off the market. It's also overlooking the absurd qualifications some women get as they age, wanting all the best qualities of every man they've been with rolled up into one man.
As well, in your 40s, you need to still compete with women in their 20s for attention. Not because they're young and hot, but because they're still young enough to grow with someone. They haven't lost that skill yet.
And in all honesty, despite this massive post, I'm still just scratching the surface on this topic. It goes a lot deeper, and I'm still exploring it)
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