Is the Grass Ever Actually Greener?

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@ref:: Is the Grass Ever Actually Greener?

Book cover of "Is the Grass Ever Actually Greener?"




(highlight:: I absolutely agree. At some point it's completely irrelevant if there are "better" or "more compatible" people out there. The question is--does your current relationship make you happy? Based on what you've already experienced, will they keep making you happy in the foreseeable future? Do they satisfy your personal needs in a relationship? Do they make you grow as a person?
You will always meet new people that you will be attracted to, especially if you don't know those people well. It's easy to feel chemistry with someone you can fantasize about and build up in your head, whose nitty gritty details you don't know yet. You don't yet know their every-day quirks, their baggage, or their irrational ticks. They are someone who, in your imagination, has the possibility of being "perfect," even though they inevitably aren't.
Obviously it's quite case dependent, but in my experience it's silly to let imaginary fantasies about a potentially awesome person ruin your relationship with an already real, currently awesome one.)
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