He Wants to Rip My Tights but Then Leave Them On?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: He Wants to Rip My Tights but Then Leave Them On?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "He Wants to Rip My Tights but Then Leave Them On?"




There were a few actually. One was where I was a superhero and she was a supervillain, and I worked out that it was her costume that gave her her powers, so I tricked her into meeting me on a rooftop (we used to live on the top floor of a building and had access to the roof and, after a brief "showdown" I ripped off her top and then her tights which made her "lose" her powers. That bit was good, but the actual sex on the roof wasn't too comfortable.
There was another where she was a vampiress and I was a vampire hunter. She'd captured me and bound me and put me on my knees and was gloating over how she was going to kill me an drain my blood. In desperation, I used my teeth to rip her tights (they'd already been slightly snipped to make it easier) and used my mouth and tongue on her to try and save myself. She then decided to use me in other ways for her pleasure. I can say that one definitely worked.
But my favourite was the one where we were spies at a party (we were at an actual house party that night) and she "slipped something into my drink" which made me tell her all my secrets. The side effect was that it made me lust after her. I think in reality, she was expecting me to wait until we got home, but I played it that there was another spy there who was onto her, and I needed to get her out of there, so I grabbed her hand and ran up the stairs to one of the bedrooms, dragged her in, shut the door behind me, pushed her against the door, told her she was safe now, and kissed her - hard. Then, ripped the tights and... well, let's just say as quickies go, this one had a hell of a lot of heat and ended up with us both gasping for breath.)
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