Grass Is Greener Syndrome... Is This the New “Thing”?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Grass Is Greener Syndrome... Is This the New “Thing”?

Book cover of "Grass Is Greener Syndrome... Is This the New “Thing”?"




Only the bravest monkeys let go of one branch before they have a hold on another.
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(highlight:: Its relative poverty.
If your neighbor is just as poor as you are and you don't see anyone doing better, you feel pretty good about yourself.
If your neighbor is doing dramatically better than you are, then you see it every day and are less satisfied with your own situation.
The problem with modern media is that everyone is much less satisfied than they used to be because everyone is your neighbor.
Dating apps and social media make you think everyone else has it better than you and its just around the corner. Its complete lies, but that's how they make their money.)
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