Excellent Dadding Spotted in the Wild

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Excellent Dadding Spotted in the Wild
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "Excellent Dadding Spotted in the Wild"




(highlight:: Yup... When they're acting out I take them to their rooms to remove them from the situation. We talk a lot about big feelings. We name the feeling that they're having that's causing the behavior. We talk about why they might be feeling that way. We acknowledge that it's ok to feel that way and even big people get those feelings... but it doesn't mean we get to yell or hit.
They're young so I still do a lot of the talking but I'm a pretty good guesser. When we're in their room, all they want is to go out and see mom so I make sure they know they can do that after they talk to me. 9/10 we end up hugging and sharing feelings and then we go apologize to mom and sis for hitting or yelling.
Not to brag, but since I've started doing it with my 2 year old, she hits a lot less and is angry at everything a lot less too. And my 5 year old seems to be in a really good place right now too. She still gets whiny or throws little fits when she's tired or really wants something to be a certain way but they're both so much better than they used to be.)
- No location available
- emotions, emotional attunement, parenting, feelings,