Do You Need Anything?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Do You Need Anything?

Book cover of "Do You Need Anything?"




(highlight:: I think there are better ways to phrase the question. As an introverted sensitive person I'm less likely to open up about my struggles especially emotional ones if it is a yes or no question. My husband and I talk about things beforehand and agree on the best way to ask about whatever it is.
So in this case a more introverted sensitive person like myself may respond better to questions like: What can I do to help you? What would give you the most relief right now? How can I support you right now? What is a struggle you're having that I can help you solve?
I don't want to be a burden so I am less likely to open up with yes or no questions. A person could ask a question out of habit or politeness, but if it is phrased as the questions I wrote above it seems more genuine. Very similar to when someone asks how are you? They could be asking out of politeness, whereas if someone asks how are you really? Then you know it is more genuine.)
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