Deleted by User

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: [Deleted by User|Deleted by User]

Book cover of "[Deleted by User]"




As a serial "greener," I can tell you that it rarely is. For me, I think it's been a rationalization to avoid the hard parts of serious relationships.
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(highlight:: We have a lot of similarities and I really appreciate you posting this.
A cousin used to joke that I was delusional, saying I was looking for a "rocket scientist in the body of a supermodel." Then I essentially dated a woman that fit this description well, but after a couple of years, I still managed to find her flaws and break-up with her.
I'm convinced I need good therapy to get over a fear of intimacy. I've run from so many quality relationships that it makes me sick to even think about it.)
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