Post | LinkedIn

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Post | LinkedIn

Book cover of "Post | LinkedIn"




Someone told me to find people who are 1-30 years ahead of me and send them this message: Hi NAME, you're exactly where I want to be in X years. Is there anything you wish you knew X years ago?
- No location available


As a general rule, people want to mentor younger versions of themselves. If you find someone who has what you want (in relationships, health, finances, spiritual, etc), reach out to them and if they tell you to read a book or try something, just do it. Do it as soon as possible. Report your results back to them asap AND thank them for changing the trajectory of your life. There's a good chance they'll give you another life changing nugget.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Post | LinkedIn
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Post | LinkedIn

Book cover of "Post | LinkedIn"




Someone told me to find people who are 1-30 years ahead of me and send them this message: Hi NAME, you're exactly where I want to be in X years. Is there anything you wish you knew X years ago?
- No location available


As a general rule, people want to mentor younger versions of themselves. If you find someone who has what you want (in relationships, health, finances, spiritual, etc), reach out to them and if they tell you to read a book or try something, just do it. Do it as soon as possible. Report your results back to them asap AND thank them for changing the trajectory of your life. There's a good chance they'll give you another life changing nugget.
- No location available