Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI

Book cover of "Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI"




At the macro level, we can organize according to Functions, Products, Geographies or a mix of all.We can connect teams and people via Matrices (e.g. dual reporting), Vertical Hierarchies, or Networks. The latter gets either very little play or outright shade in most traditional OD texts. Time plays a part here – it would have been silly even in like ~2005 to suggest that an organization of any meaningful scale could be configured as an autonomous network of operating units.
- No location available


Our teams can be staffed by a single discipline (like a “Center of Excellence”) or by folks covering many, disparate disciplines (like a startup, an innovation team, or a matrixed working group).Those groups can be Real Teams, or some other alternative. We can have workgroups that resemble teams but are actually independent actors who happen to report to a single person or a steerco. We can have Chapters and Guilds – as popularized by Spotify – that bring interested or similarly skilled people, respectively, together across different parts of the organization.The people in those teams can come from a single firm, from multiple different firms, or a mesh of firms and individual people. Something that doesn’t come up much in the OD process but definitely should are configurations that are energized by people, firms, autonomous/semi-autonomous agents, and other APIs, tools, etc.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI

Book cover of "Configuration Options | CPJ.FYI"




At the macro level, we can organize according to Functions, Products, Geographies or a mix of all.We can connect teams and people via Matrices (e.g. dual reporting), Vertical Hierarchies, or Networks. The latter gets either very little play or outright shade in most traditional OD texts. Time plays a part here – it would have been silly even in like ~2005 to suggest that an organization of any meaningful scale could be configured as an autonomous network of operating units.
- No location available


Our teams can be staffed by a single discipline (like a “Center of Excellence”) or by folks covering many, disparate disciplines (like a startup, an innovation team, or a matrixed working group).Those groups can be Real Teams, or some other alternative. We can have workgroups that resemble teams but are actually independent actors who happen to report to a single person or a steerco. We can have Chapters and Guilds – as popularized by Spotify – that bring interested or similarly skilled people, respectively, together across different parts of the organization.The people in those teams can come from a single firm, from multiple different firms, or a mesh of firms and individual people. Something that doesn’t come up much in the OD process but definitely should are configurations that are energized by people, firms, autonomous/semi-autonomous agents, and other APIs, tools, etc.
- No location available