do NOT try to minimax this game

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: do NOT try to minimax this game

Book cover of "do NOT try to minimax this game"




(highlight:: do NOT try to minimax this game
I've tried to exploit the game by minimizing idle time and trying to get as many missions done as possible to level up faster. Turns out it worked for a while, but it made the experience of the gameplay almost unbearable.
Enjoy the game people, enjoy the good graphics and the open world experience, even though sometimes it will look like you're not getting as much xp or currency as other players around you. This game is worth it.)
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An important thing to remember is that spending time doing things that don't seem like missions can still give you lots of valuable xp.
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Balance is important in this game. I've done a little too much exploring and not nearly enough missions or grinding. We all have regrets when thinking of our past game play. Just play the game now the way you wish you had.
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(highlight:: > I should have hurried youth, in truth,

And moved more quickly on -
I should have made the most of youth,
Before the time was gone.
I should have followed fancy, free,
Before it thought to fade -
I should have picked a good degree,
Or found myself a trade.
I should have stopped to stare above;
To share another's dreams -
I should have never welcomed love,
And lost it all, it seems.
No matter what the aim or end -
No matter what you do -
Regrets are part of life, my friend:
Don't let them conquer you.)
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This is too true. I see players getting so caught up in the turn limit that they’re afraid to branch out their skill tree because of how much xp they’ve already sunk. For me, this makes no sense, because what’s the point in playing if you’re not doing it for the gameplay? Sure, it might help you on the in-game leaderboards, but who even checks those? There’s way too much content to be explored.
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The thing is, none of them has experienced the ending. They're only speculating about it and discussing fan fiction (Bible, Quran, ...).
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Think about what your win condition is. Getting as many missions done as possible is only good if your win condition is maximising your money.
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: do NOT try to minimax this game
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: do NOT try to minimax this game

Book cover of "do NOT try to minimax this game"




(highlight:: do NOT try to minimax this game
I've tried to exploit the game by minimizing idle time and trying to get as many missions done as possible to level up faster. Turns out it worked for a while, but it made the experience of the gameplay almost unbearable.
Enjoy the game people, enjoy the good graphics and the open world experience, even though sometimes it will look like you're not getting as much xp or currency as other players around you. This game is worth it.)
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An important thing to remember is that spending time doing things that don't seem like missions can still give you lots of valuable xp.
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Balance is important in this game. I've done a little too much exploring and not nearly enough missions or grinding. We all have regrets when thinking of our past game play. Just play the game now the way you wish you had.
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(highlight:: > I should have hurried youth, in truth,

And moved more quickly on -
I should have made the most of youth,
Before the time was gone.
I should have followed fancy, free,
Before it thought to fade -
I should have picked a good degree,
Or found myself a trade.
I should have stopped to stare above;
To share another's dreams -
I should have never welcomed love,
And lost it all, it seems.
No matter what the aim or end -
No matter what you do -
Regrets are part of life, my friend:
Don't let them conquer you.)
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This is too true. I see players getting so caught up in the turn limit that they’re afraid to branch out their skill tree because of how much xp they’ve already sunk. For me, this makes no sense, because what’s the point in playing if you’re not doing it for the gameplay? Sure, it might help you on the in-game leaderboards, but who even checks those? There’s way too much content to be explored.
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The thing is, none of them has experienced the ending. They're only speculating about it and discussing fan fiction (Bible, Quran, ...).
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Think about what your win condition is. Getting as many missions done as possible is only good if your win condition is maximising your money.
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