Useful Hacks

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Useful Hacks
@author:: Morgan Housel

Book cover of "Useful Hacks"




(highlight:: she never mentioned the most effective social media trick: Write good stuff that people want to read.
That’s because writing good stuff isn’t a hack. It’s hard. It takes time and creativity. It can’t be manufactured. It works, with a near 100% success rate. But it is the social media equivalent of burpees.)
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(highlight:: Hacks are appealing because they look like paths to prizes without the effort. Which, in the real world, rarely exists.
A few of the only useful hacks I know:
Marketing hack: Make a good product that people need.
PR hack: Do something newsworthy.
Writing hack: Write every day for years.
Learning hack: Read a book. When finished, read another.
Work culture hack: Trust people and pay them well.
Investing hack: Give compounding the decades it requires.
Networking hack: Email people you admire and ask them out to coffee.)
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Useful Hacks
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Useful Hacks
@author:: Morgan Housel

Book cover of "Useful Hacks"




(highlight:: she never mentioned the most effective social media trick: Write good stuff that people want to read.
That’s because writing good stuff isn’t a hack. It’s hard. It takes time and creativity. It can’t be manufactured. It works, with a near 100% success rate. But it is the social media equivalent of burpees.)
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(highlight:: Hacks are appealing because they look like paths to prizes without the effort. Which, in the real world, rarely exists.
A few of the only useful hacks I know:
Marketing hack: Make a good product that people need.
PR hack: Do something newsworthy.
Writing hack: Write every day for years.
Learning hack: Read a book. When finished, read another.
Work culture hack: Trust people and pay them well.
Investing hack: Give compounding the decades it requires.
Networking hack: Email people you admire and ask them out to coffee.)
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