R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]"




NVC strategies attempt to place the onus of communication on the non-reactive party instead of holding the reactive party accountable for their own response.When applied to dysfunctional relationships, it leads to the belief that the non-ADHD partner somehow has the ability to avoid triggering the dx partner so long as they acquiesce the dx partner's demands for soft language. Which feeds into the cycle of codependency and thus becomes a dangerous trap for the well-meaning partner.In reality we have no control whatsoever over another's reactions and we aren't responsible for how basic requests make them feel. It is never the non-ADHD partner's responsibility to word things in a specific way to placate defensiveness.The only true course of action is for the dx person to seek proper professional support in the form of medications that address RSD along with behavioral therapy to address their own reactive shame.So, NVC may be helpful or relevant in other spaces and with other dynamics but typically it will not be useful in ADHD-impacted relationships.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - [Deleted by User]"




NVC strategies attempt to place the onus of communication on the non-reactive party instead of holding the reactive party accountable for their own response.When applied to dysfunctional relationships, it leads to the belief that the non-ADHD partner somehow has the ability to avoid triggering the dx partner so long as they acquiesce the dx partner's demands for soft language. Which feeds into the cycle of codependency and thus becomes a dangerous trap for the well-meaning partner.In reality we have no control whatsoever over another's reactions and we aren't responsible for how basic requests make them feel. It is never the non-ADHD partner's responsibility to word things in a specific way to placate defensiveness.The only true course of action is for the dx person to seek proper professional support in the form of medications that address RSD along with behavioral therapy to address their own reactive shame.So, NVC may be helpful or relevant in other spaces and with other dynamics but typically it will not be useful in ADHD-impacted relationships.
- No location available