R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”"




As a couple, we maintain our communication and "good" feelings with:Daily "what are you looking forward to today?"question to each otherDaily 6 second kiss before parting for workWeekly Check In to tell each other 3-5 things we appreciate from the other from the past week and why, 3-5 things we're doing well as a couple, talk about anything that could have been better and come up with a solution, discuss what's needed for the upcoming weekJoint Google calendar where we invite each other to upcoming activities like social events, family dinners, dr appointments, etc so we can stay in the loop as a team
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - Comment by U/RoadsidePoppy on ”Partner Can’t Get His Vyvanse Script- Wants to Take Herbs”"




As a couple, we maintain our communication and "good" feelings with:Daily "what are you looking forward to today?"question to each otherDaily 6 second kiss before parting for workWeekly Check In to tell each other 3-5 things we appreciate from the other from the past week and why, 3-5 things we're doing well as a couple, talk about anything that could have been better and come up with a solution, discuss what's needed for the upcoming weekJoint Google calendar where we invite each other to upcoming activities like social events, family dinners, dr appointments, etc so we can stay in the loop as a team
- No location available