R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media"




I get a similar sickening feeling from the ADHD behavior of characters from TV shows or movies.For example there was a Reddit post last week heralding Phil from Modern Family as "best TV husband ever" or some such nonsense. Phil is a notoriously undiagnosed mess who causes chaos to his entire family but especially his wife. He is portrayed as hapless but well meaning while his clearly burnout wife gets to fill the role of unfun, 'controlling' turbo mom.It's like, I'm sorry, which part of that living hell is the best husband ever? Because he's clueless and cracks jokes and acts like a 12 year old, but he buys her flowers occasionally and doesn't meaaannn to be offensive and useless? It's so awful to watch.As far as the social media aspect, people post those types of things to make themselves feel better about an unacceptable situation.The NT partners post as a quiet cry for help. The dx partners post to try to reframe the harm they cause as quirky. Then the swaths of "neurospicy" teenagers swoop in to backpat and commiserate about how hard they have it.The entire movement to reframe harmful ADHD symptoms as silly personality traits, or (worse) something that's completely out of their control so they don't have to take accountability, is complete propaganda.It just won't work on those of us who's lives have been nearly destroyed by a disorder that is anything but funny.
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ADHD_partners - Can’t Stand How ADHD Dx Relationships Are Portrayed on Social Media"




I get a similar sickening feeling from the ADHD behavior of characters from TV shows or movies.For example there was a Reddit post last week heralding Phil from Modern Family as "best TV husband ever" or some such nonsense. Phil is a notoriously undiagnosed mess who causes chaos to his entire family but especially his wife. He is portrayed as hapless but well meaning while his clearly burnout wife gets to fill the role of unfun, 'controlling' turbo mom.It's like, I'm sorry, which part of that living hell is the best husband ever? Because he's clueless and cracks jokes and acts like a 12 year old, but he buys her flowers occasionally and doesn't meaaannn to be offensive and useless? It's so awful to watch.As far as the social media aspect, people post those types of things to make themselves feel better about an unacceptable situation.The NT partners post as a quiet cry for help. The dx partners post to try to reframe the harm they cause as quirky. Then the swaths of "neurospicy" teenagers swoop in to backpat and commiserate about how hard they have it.The entire movement to reframe harmful ADHD symptoms as silly personality traits, or (worse) something that's completely out of their control so they don't have to take accountability, is complete propaganda.It just won't work on those of us who's lives have been nearly destroyed by a disorder that is anything but funny.
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