R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”"




The diaphragm is what controls how fast or slow air moves over our vocal cords when we talk.You can do exercises to improve both the strength and the control you have over your diaphragm, and this will help you to speak louder and have more control over exactly how loud you speak.https://www.mi.edu/in-the-know/breathing-techniques-singers/#:~:text=Here is an exercise to,using your diaphragm%2C as possible.Most of us can get either more quiet or more loud when we are nervous. But it doesn't sound like it's nerves that are the issue.
- No location available


To speak more clearly, you should speak more slowly, and put more emphasis on the consonants. Some things to think about:D and T can sound the sameF and S can sound the sameM and N can sound the sameSingers do a lot of exercises to make the words in a song sound clear. Most public speakers also have voice coaches to help them with their pitch and pace, because this stuff can make a big difference in whether someone listens to us and whether we "sound confident".
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Socialskills - Comment by U/SeriousSoup4419 on ”[deleted by User]”"




The diaphragm is what controls how fast or slow air moves over our vocal cords when we talk.You can do exercises to improve both the strength and the control you have over your diaphragm, and this will help you to speak louder and have more control over exactly how loud you speak.https://www.mi.edu/in-the-know/breathing-techniques-singers/#:~:text=Here is an exercise to,using your diaphragm%2C as possible.Most of us can get either more quiet or more loud when we are nervous. But it doesn't sound like it's nerves that are the issue.
- No location available


To speak more clearly, you should speak more slowly, and put more emphasis on the consonants. Some things to think about:D and T can sound the sameF and S can sound the sameM and N can sound the sameSingers do a lot of exercises to make the words in a song sound clear. Most public speakers also have voice coaches to help them with their pitch and pace, because this stuff can make a big difference in whether someone listens to us and whether we "sound confident".
- No location available