R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel"




I am genuinely worried that my friends are at risk of, if not radicalisation, becoming completely disillusioned with this illeberal neo-leftist ideology of victim-oppressor dynamics.Time has a way of taming that; but if I could give you anything worth a fuck, it would be to have them converse in a 1-on-1 conversation, with the express intent to communicate with a person rather than an idea of a person.Maybe find two opposite groups and propose to them that each person in the group have a 1-on-1 with someone from the other group on the subject, focusing more on differing interpretations of material facts (i.e: is it an open air prison, or the unfortunate consequence of a necessary defensive measure?) than claims of ideological absolutes.I was raised in a muslim household, and I was told incessantly bad things about homosexuals and Jews; interacting with people privately helped break the spell of religion. Much like plans don't survive an encounter with the enemy, ideologies have a way of being eroded by encounters with reality. There still lingered the more extreme versions of non-specific beliefs regarding the "evils of promiscuity", but those also didn't withstand encounters with reality and education.Yeah. I don't know. Some anti-Muslim people after 9/11 definitely became less intense after interacting with individual Muslims in a private setting, with both people trying to reach common ground.I never got used to the degree of double-think in many Muslims here, in Canada; in public, some claim acceptance of the culture they're in, but turn around in private to say some surprisingly heinous things. That definitely contributed to pushing me away from islam. The same is true of people who also act nicely towards their black, or Muslim/Jewish coworkers, but then in private partake in some of the most racist casual conversations. Very odd.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Samharris - [NSFW] Young People and Their Unwavering Support for Palestine / Opposition to Israel"




I am genuinely worried that my friends are at risk of, if not radicalisation, becoming completely disillusioned with this illeberal neo-leftist ideology of victim-oppressor dynamics.Time has a way of taming that; but if I could give you anything worth a fuck, it would be to have them converse in a 1-on-1 conversation, with the express intent to communicate with a person rather than an idea of a person.Maybe find two opposite groups and propose to them that each person in the group have a 1-on-1 with someone from the other group on the subject, focusing more on differing interpretations of material facts (i.e: is it an open air prison, or the unfortunate consequence of a necessary defensive measure?) than claims of ideological absolutes.I was raised in a muslim household, and I was told incessantly bad things about homosexuals and Jews; interacting with people privately helped break the spell of religion. Much like plans don't survive an encounter with the enemy, ideologies have a way of being eroded by encounters with reality. There still lingered the more extreme versions of non-specific beliefs regarding the "evils of promiscuity", but those also didn't withstand encounters with reality and education.Yeah. I don't know. Some anti-Muslim people after 9/11 definitely became less intense after interacting with individual Muslims in a private setting, with both people trying to reach common ground.I never got used to the degree of double-think in many Muslims here, in Canada; in public, some claim acceptance of the culture they're in, but turn around in private to say some surprisingly heinous things. That definitely contributed to pushing me away from islam. The same is true of people who also act nicely towards their black, or Muslim/Jewish coworkers, but then in private partake in some of the most racist casual conversations. Very odd.
- No location available