R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company"




Oh man, as a seasoned admin, building from scratch is such a dream. To be able to build things the right way from the start and not start off a system with a mountain of technical debt...This is going to be brutal, but you shouldn't even attempt this on your own. You need to get someone with experience. If your company thinks they can afford the license costs for Salesforce but can't afford someone who knows what they're doing to admin it, they're in for a pretty rude awakening.Almost every Salesforce instance out there has been severely botched by someone in sales trying to set the system up by themselves because they've used salesforce as a user before, maybe even done some reports and dashboards, so how hard can it be?The answer is there's about a thousand reasons why there are multiple branches of an entire dedicated career to Salesforce administration and development and why it's such a high paying job and why the salaries are only going up. It's a complicated system with a LOT to learn.Many successful admins have already made system-breaking mistakes and most companies have started out by making the same mistake - allowing someone in sales or a consultant to do all their early build. Consultants are a slightly better route but most consultants are garbage compared to anyone who's been doing this for the same amount of time in an internal role. Yes, consultants get a wide breadth of experience in a short time, but absolutely no depth. They almost never care enough about the solution and they almost never get to stick around long enough to see how well and why it may or may not work, so they'll continue to churn out the same garbage short-sighted solutions over and over.This is going to turn in to a ramble if I go any further. With time I could write a massive essay about this; but trust me: you want someone with experience to do this. The amount of money you'll save trying to do it yourself will be spent 10x trying to undo all the rookie mistakes someone inexperienced will make.
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Salesforce - HELP! Need to Essentially Build SF From the Ground Up for My Company"




Oh man, as a seasoned admin, building from scratch is such a dream. To be able to build things the right way from the start and not start off a system with a mountain of technical debt...This is going to be brutal, but you shouldn't even attempt this on your own. You need to get someone with experience. If your company thinks they can afford the license costs for Salesforce but can't afford someone who knows what they're doing to admin it, they're in for a pretty rude awakening.Almost every Salesforce instance out there has been severely botched by someone in sales trying to set the system up by themselves because they've used salesforce as a user before, maybe even done some reports and dashboards, so how hard can it be?The answer is there's about a thousand reasons why there are multiple branches of an entire dedicated career to Salesforce administration and development and why it's such a high paying job and why the salaries are only going up. It's a complicated system with a LOT to learn.Many successful admins have already made system-breaking mistakes and most companies have started out by making the same mistake - allowing someone in sales or a consultant to do all their early build. Consultants are a slightly better route but most consultants are garbage compared to anyone who's been doing this for the same amount of time in an internal role. Yes, consultants get a wide breadth of experience in a short time, but absolutely no depth. They almost never care enough about the solution and they almost never get to stick around long enough to see how well and why it may or may not work, so they'll continue to churn out the same garbage short-sighted solutions over and over.This is going to turn in to a ramble if I go any further. With time I could write a massive essay about this; but trust me: you want someone with experience to do this. The amount of money you'll save trying to do it yourself will be spent 10x trying to undo all the rookie mistakes someone inexperienced will make.
- No location available