R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?"




For something like this, the only way past the fear is through it.This is what adulthood is: you reach a cusp, a decision point, a fork in the road. You look (using all of your experience and wisdom) down both potential futures. You see the potential benefits and costs of this road, and the potential benefits and costs of that road.And then you choose: which road has the potential benefits and costs that will take your life in the direction that you want to live?You choose the road that, decades from now, the old man who wears your face will look back at you and thank you for taking.Consider this:Surgery is frightening. Someone will literally be cutting open your body with a knife. There will be pain after. There will be time that you have to heal and recover, after.Given all of that, would you refuse surgery to remove a tumor that was slowly killing you?It's time to make the choice that will be difficult, will be painful, will be hard, will require healing from......and will free you from the cancer that is currently sucking away all the joy in your life.You can do this. But you have to go through it to get past it.
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Relationships - How Do I (27M) Get Over the Fear of Breaking Up With Long-Term Girlfriend (28F)?"




For something like this, the only way past the fear is through it.This is what adulthood is: you reach a cusp, a decision point, a fork in the road. You look (using all of your experience and wisdom) down both potential futures. You see the potential benefits and costs of this road, and the potential benefits and costs of that road.And then you choose: which road has the potential benefits and costs that will take your life in the direction that you want to live?You choose the road that, decades from now, the old man who wears your face will look back at you and thank you for taking.Consider this:Surgery is frightening. Someone will literally be cutting open your body with a knife. There will be pain after. There will be time that you have to heal and recover, after.Given all of that, would you refuse surgery to remove a tumor that was slowly killing you?It's time to make the choice that will be difficult, will be painful, will be hard, will require healing from......and will free you from the cancer that is currently sucking away all the joy in your life.You can do this. But you have to go through it to get past it.
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