R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?"




Set your hours, plan your day, and work to that plan. These are two key elements for avoiding the oncoming burnout.When everything becomes critical nothing is. Start by looking at the time leeches in your day. Is it unplanned meetings? Easy fix, require every meeting to have a purpose, agenda, and be time limited. Also force minimum notice. Reduce the ad hoc time suck.Is it drop ins? Block office hours for this on your schedule. No more than two hours weekly. Let people know this is the only drop in time you have. Everything else can be done via email or planned meetings, again with agenda etc.Choose your information intake method and limit it. Calls, texts, emails, Teams, smoke signal, whatever. Select a rapid response method for critical events, and an informational method. I prefer teams and email.Use your calendar to your advantage. Book your time. Haircuts, doctor appointments, calling the kids school, whatever. Book the time in your calendar. Yes it’s personal but it is how you balance life. When you handle these appointments, leave your phone elsewhere.Finally read, walk the dogs, swim, workout, cut wood or whatever for enjoyment. We (and I am hugely guilty of this) are very device connected. The more we do offline the better.The work will be there tomorrow. Trust your team, set boundaries, and work in your own time.
- No location available
- burnout, boundary_setting, work-life balance,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Projectmanagement - Is Every PM Job Just Grind All Day Long or Am I Being Overworked?"




Set your hours, plan your day, and work to that plan. These are two key elements for avoiding the oncoming burnout.When everything becomes critical nothing is. Start by looking at the time leeches in your day. Is it unplanned meetings? Easy fix, require every meeting to have a purpose, agenda, and be time limited. Also force minimum notice. Reduce the ad hoc time suck.Is it drop ins? Block office hours for this on your schedule. No more than two hours weekly. Let people know this is the only drop in time you have. Everything else can be done via email or planned meetings, again with agenda etc.Choose your information intake method and limit it. Calls, texts, emails, Teams, smoke signal, whatever. Select a rapid response method for critical events, and an informational method. I prefer teams and email.Use your calendar to your advantage. Book your time. Haircuts, doctor appointments, calling the kids school, whatever. Book the time in your calendar. Yes it’s personal but it is how you balance life. When you handle these appointments, leave your phone elsewhere.Finally read, walk the dogs, swim, workout, cut wood or whatever for enjoyment. We (and I am hugely guilty of this) are very device connected. The more we do offline the better.The work will be there tomorrow. Trust your team, set boundaries, and work in your own time.
- No location available
- burnout, boundary_setting, work-life balance,