R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”"




you aren't lazy. You're massively overstressed. This is exhausting and a vicious circle. So the first thing you do is you stop calling yourself lazy and so looking down on yourself.the second thing you do is you close your eyes and imagine that you are talking to someone you love- an imaginary kid a little younger than you, who is pretty awesome but is also exhausted and massively overstressed. Someone you care about. You are going to give this imaginary person a big hug because they need it.the person you care about? That's you. You are the person who you need to hug and tell that it's ok and they are not a failure. Then you are going to imagine that you are going to help them with just one chore. Nothing big. Something that needs to be done.you need to think about how to break this stuff into smaller pieces. What is the smallest next step? I mean literally the smallest possible way thing you can do. You just do that tiny thing. You aren't going to do the whole thing, the whole thing is too much, but you know how to do the little bit.you are going to start taking care of yourself like you are someone who is worth your own best effort.That means eating veggies every day. Every day you will eat a vegetable. Crunchy carrots, sweet sliced bell pepper, a chopped cucumber with a little vinegar, some broccoli.Every day you will make sure you go to sleep at a good hour. You will enjoy it, too- clean sheets that smell nice, clean pajamas, and a comforting daydream to send you to sleep.Every day you will go outside at least once, and look around and try to notice the local plants. Start small. Try to identify the kids of plants right near your house.Every day you will drink one glass of plain water.Do these things. Take deep breaths. Try this for one week.See how you do. If it feels like it's helping, try it for another week.You are worth your own best effort. You are worth your own love. You are worth compassion and care and good food and plenty of sleep and fresh air and sunshine and all the good things in life.When you have those basic needs met, then we can talk about moving forward and doing more with chores. But get those basic needs met first, ok?
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Productivity - Comment by U/[Deleted] on ”I'm a Total Failure”"




you aren't lazy. You're massively overstressed. This is exhausting and a vicious circle. So the first thing you do is you stop calling yourself lazy and so looking down on yourself.the second thing you do is you close your eyes and imagine that you are talking to someone you love- an imaginary kid a little younger than you, who is pretty awesome but is also exhausted and massively overstressed. Someone you care about. You are going to give this imaginary person a big hug because they need it.the person you care about? That's you. You are the person who you need to hug and tell that it's ok and they are not a failure. Then you are going to imagine that you are going to help them with just one chore. Nothing big. Something that needs to be done.you need to think about how to break this stuff into smaller pieces. What is the smallest next step? I mean literally the smallest possible way thing you can do. You just do that tiny thing. You aren't going to do the whole thing, the whole thing is too much, but you know how to do the little bit.you are going to start taking care of yourself like you are someone who is worth your own best effort.That means eating veggies every day. Every day you will eat a vegetable. Crunchy carrots, sweet sliced bell pepper, a chopped cucumber with a little vinegar, some broccoli.Every day you will make sure you go to sleep at a good hour. You will enjoy it, too- clean sheets that smell nice, clean pajamas, and a comforting daydream to send you to sleep.Every day you will go outside at least once, and look around and try to notice the local plants. Start small. Try to identify the kids of plants right near your house.Every day you will drink one glass of plain water.Do these things. Take deep breaths. Try this for one week.See how you do. If it feels like it's helping, try it for another week.You are worth your own best effort. You are worth your own love. You are worth compassion and care and good food and plenty of sleep and fresh air and sunshine and all the good things in life.When you have those basic needs met, then we can talk about moving forward and doing more with chores. But get those basic needs met first, ok?
- No location available