R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”"




"Thanks for your idea! It's clear you're really energized by it. I'm happy to have that on the backlog and consider it. In order to prioritize it, I'll need your help to understand its impact on XYZ and supporting data ABC. I think what you've described has some interesting elements, but of course we're really constrained on dev resources, so I'm sure you understand I've gotta be really rigorous in what I prioritize. I need to make sure that I can show that whatever we work on is the most impactful thing. If you provide XYZ ABC, that will really help me understand, triage, and prioritize this relative to the other items on the backlog."90% of the time, they either give up in the face of having to do work, or they start doing the work and realize for themselves that their pet project is an inefficient use of resources.Also, check in with other important stakeholders, especially your boss and skip level, to make sure you've got their support in ice boxing this person's idea. If they've got organizational clout, you want to make sure you've got support, even if you're confident that you are objectively correct.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ProductManagement - Comment by U/ImJKP on ”Product Managers - How Do You Handle Idiotic Ideas From Stakeholders?”"




"Thanks for your idea! It's clear you're really energized by it. I'm happy to have that on the backlog and consider it. In order to prioritize it, I'll need your help to understand its impact on XYZ and supporting data ABC. I think what you've described has some interesting elements, but of course we're really constrained on dev resources, so I'm sure you understand I've gotta be really rigorous in what I prioritize. I need to make sure that I can show that whatever we work on is the most impactful thing. If you provide XYZ ABC, that will really help me understand, triage, and prioritize this relative to the other items on the backlog."90% of the time, they either give up in the face of having to do work, or they start doing the work and realize for themselves that their pet project is an inefficient use of resources.Also, check in with other important stakeholders, especially your boss and skip level, to make sure you've got their support in ice boxing this person's idea. If they've got organizational clout, you want to make sure you've got support, even if you're confident that you are objectively correct.
- No location available