R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday"




Some good advice already here, but I'll add a bit more color:Pad up. I have seen way too many people slam their head trying to learn to drop in. And wearing helmet, knee, and elbow pads are key to learning how to skate transition, especially when you move up to larger ramps.Learn how to knee slide. Learning to fall is generally one of the most important and overlooked "tricks" in skating, and transition skating uses some different falling techniques than street. There are times you can run out of tricks on transition, but especially when you're first learning or moving up to larger ramps, knee slides are key to success.Get comfortable pumping before dropping in. Get into a miniramp or bowl, and just pump back and forth. Pump all the way up to the coping. Ride back down fakie. And add in kickturns. Doing this before you drop in will help reduce the fear because you'll know what to do after you drop in. And you'll have a better sense of how to manage your weight distribution.Practice on banks first. Set up on the top of a bank as if it was the coping and practice "stomping the spider" and shifting all your weight forward.After you've done all of that, you're ready to drop in. Ideally have someone spot you by holding out their hands so you can learn how to shift your weight. Do it a few times with help, then go for it without help.Great - now you're ready to learn lip tricks!
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/NewSkaters - So I Didn't Drop in Yesterday"




Some good advice already here, but I'll add a bit more color:Pad up. I have seen way too many people slam their head trying to learn to drop in. And wearing helmet, knee, and elbow pads are key to learning how to skate transition, especially when you move up to larger ramps.Learn how to knee slide. Learning to fall is generally one of the most important and overlooked "tricks" in skating, and transition skating uses some different falling techniques than street. There are times you can run out of tricks on transition, but especially when you're first learning or moving up to larger ramps, knee slides are key to success.Get comfortable pumping before dropping in. Get into a miniramp or bowl, and just pump back and forth. Pump all the way up to the coping. Ride back down fakie. And add in kickturns. Doing this before you drop in will help reduce the fear because you'll know what to do after you drop in. And you'll have a better sense of how to manage your weight distribution.Practice on banks first. Set up on the top of a bank as if it was the coping and practice "stomping the spider" and shifting all your weight forward.After you've done all of that, you're ready to drop in. Ideally have someone spot you by holding out their hands so you can learn how to shift your weight. Do it a few times with help, then go for it without help.Great - now you're ready to learn lip tricks!
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